Friday 23 March 2018

نيبال أخبار الفوركس

12 مايو 2015 شخص مصاب بالزلازل ممثل المسرح النيبالي، خاجيندرا لاميشان، يلعب في مسرحية بيدا جيت (أغنية الحزن) في مسرح القرية، لازيمبات، كاتماندو، يوم السبت، 10 يناير 2015. وكان اليوم اليوم الأخير من المسرحية. (نهمانتا شريسثا) أحد المشاركين من السيدات يلقي بها مجموعة قديمة من الهاتف المحمول خلال مسابقة رمي المحمول في تونديخيل، كاتماندو يوم السبت، 10 يناير 2015. وقالت انها في الواقع ألقى دمية من المحمول لها والمنظمين سوف ترسل مجموعة المحمول القديمة التي تعطى من قبل لها وغيرها إلى منطقة موجو النائية لاستخدام السكان المحليين تحت الصدقة. (نهمانتا شريستا) رئيس الحزب الشيوعي النيبالي - أومل كب شارما أولي، يحيط بها كبار القادة جالاناث خانال وماداف كومار نيبال، ويجتمع اجتماع صحفي في مقر الحزب في بالخو، كاتماندو يوم السبت 10 يناير 2015. (نهمانتا شريستا) أعلى قصة نرنا يدعو لحل الوضع القائم من خلال المناقشات كاتماندو، 30 سبتمبر: أعربت جمعية النيباليين غير المقيمين عن قلقها إزاء حالة عدم الاستقرار المستمرة التي نشأت في البلاد بعد صدور الدستور الجديد. وقال شيش غيل رئيس المجلس الوطنى لنواب الشعب / النيجر / فى بيان صحفى ان الحزب الوطنى لنواب الشعب الصينى يشعر بالحزن العميق لان الهند لا تحبذ الملكية وتعرقل الحدود فى وزير الخارجية النيبالى الهندى سوراج نيويورك (الولايات المتحدة) 1 اكتوبر: أوضح أن الهند لا تقف أبدا على إعادة الملكية في نيبال. وفى اجتماع استمر 45 دقيقة مع وزير الخارجية النيبالى ماهيندرا باهادور باندى على هامش الدورة السبعين للدستور الجديد يضمن الحقوق الاساسية للمواطنين يقول دبم سينغ ان الدورة السابعة والسبعين للجمعية العامة للامم المتحدة نيويورك 2 اكتوبر: وقال الوزير براكاشمان سينغ ان الدستور الجديد الذى صدر فى نيبال يكفل الحقوق الاساسية للمواطنين ووسع بشكل طموح حقوق النساء والاطفال والمسنين والاشخاص الذين يتمتعون بقدرات مختلفة وكذلك المجتمعات المهمشة. يدفع الصناعيون ما يصل إلى 350 مليون روبية إلى الجانب الهندي مع استمرار الحصار مورانغ، 3 أكتوبر: دفع الصناعيون في مورانغ إلى 350 مليون روبية إضافية رسوم إضافية إلى الجانب الهندي بسبب التأخير في التخليص الجمركي من موظفي الجمارك الهندية خلال الفترة الجارية غير الرسمية الحصار من الهند. دخل نائب الرئيس الأول لرئيس منظمة مورانج للتجارة راجندرا راو فور لب إلى نيبال عبر نقطة كاكادبهيتا بهادرابور، 5 أكتوبر: دخلت أربع سيارات تحمل لب غاز نيبال الليلة الماضية من نقطة دخول كاكادبهيتا، وفقا لما ذكره مكتب شرطة المنطقة كاكادبهيتا. وحتى الان، دخلت 127 سفينة شحنات الى نيبال يوم السبت بينما وصلت 65 شاحنة محملة بالسلع مساء امس و 45 سيارة اخرى من بينها رئيس اومل سيتولى قيادة الحكومة الجديدة بوديل كاتماندو، 6 اكتوبر: نائب سكرتير عام الحزب الشيوعى الصينى بيشنو وقال بوديل ان رئيس الحزب الشيوعى الديمقراطى كب شارما اولى سيقود الحكومة الجديدة حول توافق الرأى بين الاحزاب السياسية الرئيسية. في حديثه في برنامج وجها لوجه نظمه نادي للصحفيين هنا اليوم، زعيم بوديل المشتركة أن الحكومة ليست جادة لحل المشكلة: كرسي فسف ياداف كاتماندو، 8 أكتوبر: قال رئيس المنتدى الاشتراكي الاتحادي أوبيندرا ياداف أن الحكومة ليست جادة ل حل إيمبروجليو السياسية الحالية. وفي حديثه في برنامج التفاعل وجها لوجه هنا في العاصمة اليوم، قال الرئيس ياداف رئيس فسف أن المشكلة آخذة في التزايد مع أوكبن (الماوي) الحاكم لدعم أومل لقيادة الحكومة الجديدة مشروط كاتماندو، 10 أكتوبر: أوكبن (الماوي) من المرجح أن يدعم الحزب الشيوعي النيبالي - أومل لقيادة الحكومة الجديدة مشروط. وقد دعا اجتماع اللجنة الدائمة للماويين الذي عقد في الحزب رئيس بوشبا كمال داهال في لازمبات في العاصمة اليوم، أومل لتنفيذ مطالب من ثماني نقاط التي قدمها ر أكتوبر 11، 2015 - رئيس الحزب الشيوعي النيبالي - أومل كب شارما تم انتخابه رئيس وزراء نيبال 38. وقد حصل على 338 صوتا خلال الانتخابات التى جرت فى المجلس التشريعى - البرلمان يوم الاحد، بينما حصل منافسه الكونجرس النيبالي سوشيل كويرالا على 287 صوتا. ما مجموعه 587 نوابا أدلوا بأصواتهم انتخاب رئيس الحزب الشيوعي النيبالي - أومل أولي رئيس الوزراء الجديد من نيبال كاتماندو، 11 أكتوبر: رئيس الحزب الشيوعي النيبالي - أومل كب شارما أولي تم انتخاب رئيس الوزراء الجديد للنيبال، بعد صدور الدستور الجديد من فيديرال، الجمهورية، نيبال. في التصويت لمنصب رئيس الوزراء الذي عقد في المجلس التشريعي والبرلمان اليوم، فاز أولي مع ما مجموعه 338 تنفيذ الدستور ممكن فقط مع وحدة الصلبة والتعاون تشيتوان، 12 أكتوبر: أكد قادة المنطقة من مختلف الأحزاب السياسية في تشيتوان تحتاج إلى ثلاثة أحزاب رئيسية لدفع الوحدة من أجل التنفيذ الفعال للدستور الذي صدر حديثا على الرغم من أن الاستقطاب ظهر في تصويت لانتخاب رئيس وزراء جديد للبلاد. أوكبن (الماوي) لإنهاء الأسماء الجديدة للوزراء اليوم كاتماندو، 13 أكتوبر: قال أوكبن (الماوي) أن الحزب سيبت في الأسماء التي تمثل الحزب في الحكومة كوزراء بعد إجراء مناقشات مع رئيس الوزراء ورئيس الحزب الشيوعي النيبالي (أومل) كب شارما أولي. عقد اجتماع لحزب المكتب الحزب في رئيس الحزب توقف بوشبا كمال دا الطريق البناء بسبب أزمة الوقود في فيديم بانشثار، 14 أكتوبر: بناء الطريق 10 كيلومترا الطريق الطريق تحت ميد-هيل بوشبال الطريق السريع في فيديم، بانشثار تعطلت لمدة أسبوع بسبب أزمة الوقود. بناء الطريق، الذي بدأ مع حوالي 300 مليون روبية في 10 يونيو 2014، يتم فقط على اثنين من محو الأمية المالية دا من خلال رسالة المحمول (التفاعلية الرد الصوتي) جهد رائد لتحويل حياة سكان الريف كاتماندو، 15 أكتوبر: A فإن امرأة داليت الريفية في نيبال، التي كانت ستحرم من الضروريات الأساسية، لن تتخيل أبدا أن رسالة متنقلة بسيطة يمكن أن تغير وجه حياتها. ومع ذلك، بدأت رحلة لتحقيق هذه الغاية لسوشما سونار، من باشاور -2 من رولبا ديست نك عدم تقديم ترشيح لرئيس مجلس النواب، نائب رئيس كاتماندو، 16 أكتوبر: قرر الكونغرس النيبالي عدم تقديم ترشيح من جانبها في والانتخاب لمنصب رئيس مجلس النواب ونائب الرئيس الذي يعقد اليوم. عقد اجتماع لحزب المحافظين الذي عقد في مقر الحزب سوشيل كورالاس في ماهاراجونج هذا الصباح عائلة دانغي تأمل في الشرف بعد وفاته للعالم على الإطلاق أقصر رجل كاتماندو، 17 أكتوبر: عندما أعلن جونري بالاوينغ من الفلبين في عام 2011 كعالم أقصر رجل، أعلنت حكومة الفلبين عطلة رسمية تحتفل به باعتباره إنجازا للبلاد وكشرف تكريم له. ومع ذلك، فإن سعادة الفلبين يمكن أن ماده التحريض تنتهي بعد بعض التغييرات في ترسيم الولايات الاتحادية: الرئيس ياداف غوشالا، 18 أكتوبر: قال رئيس المنتدى الاتحادي الاشتراكي نيبال، أوبيندرا ياداف أن الاتفاق من ثماني نقاط و 22 نقطة قبل ان يجلس لاجراء محادثات مع الحكومة. في أعقاب الاعتصام المستمر في الجبهة الديمقراطية ماديسي المتحدة المتحدة في بيتامود، بو الرئيسي شورث أوف الطب يبدأ السيطرة على منطقة داولاجيري باغلونغ، 19 أكتوبر: بدأت المراكز الطبية المختلفة في منطقة دولجيري، بما في ذلك المستشفيات الحكومية والصيدليات، بعد الحصار الحدودي المفاجئ الذي فرضته الهند على نيبال. كما توقف استيراد العقاقير الأساسية بعد بلو هلسك تقرر إجراء حوار هادف كاتماندو، 29 أكتوبر: قررت لجنة التنسيق السياسي رفيع المستوى اليوم إجراء حوار هادف مع الجماعات والأحزاب المتظاهرين في تيراي. اجتماع اللجنة التي يرأسها رئيس أوكبن (الماوي) ورئيس اللجنة بوشبا كمال داهال وعقد في الرئيس الجديد بهانداري يمين منصبه والسرية كاتماندو، 29 أكتوبر: قام الرئيس المنتخب حديثا بديا ديفي بهانداري اليمين الدستورية، السرية في مكتب الرئيس، شيتال نيواس، وسط احتفال خاص عقد بعد ظهر اليوم. رئيس المحكمة العليا كاليان شريستا أدار يمين منصبه وسريته للرئيس بهانداري. نب عضو البرلمان المستقل مسلمان يسجل ترشيحه لنائب الرئيس كاتماندو، 30 أكتوبر: قدم عضو البرلمان المستقل أتاهار كمال موسلمان ترشيحه اليوم لمنصب نائب الرئيس . سجل برلمان مسلمان ترشيحه في المجلس التشريعي - أمانة البرلمان، مكتب مسؤول الانتخابات في نيو بانيشور في الساعة 11:15 صباحا. فاز الحكومة. أن يقدم نفسه بأقصى قدر من المرونة: المجلس الأعلى للتخطيط السياسي كاثماندو، 1 نوفمبر / تشرين الثاني: قرر الاجتماع اليوم للجنة التنسيق السياسي الرفيع المستوى أن يقدم لنفسه مرونة في المحادثات التي ستجري مع تحريض جبهة مديسي الديمقراطية المتحدة. وقد بدأت منظمة أودمف التحريض على التعبير عن عدم الرضا عن ناقلات كونستي بترو الجديدة من النقطة الشمالية بسلاسة دونتش (راسوا)، 5 أكتوبر: الناقلات التي تحمل المنتجات النفطية التي تقدمها الصين في شكل منحة تدخل باستمرار نيبال من نقطة تفتيش الحدود الشمالية. ووفقا لرئيس شرطة المقاطعة اباديش بيستا، غادرت اربع ناقلات بترو الى كاتماندو من دونتش صباح اليوم و 24 اكثر من 1000 شخص يتلقون الخدمة من معسكر ناس السورونجى، 6 نوفمبر: نظمت كتيبة نيبال ارميس كالي باهادور شارالى باراك صحة حرة في غيراباري جنوب جابا من أجل تحسين العلاقات بين الجيش والمدنيين. اختتم معسكر الصحة الحرة بالتعاون مع كلية الطب بامب، ميشي العين هوسبي ساغارماثا واريباري أطلقت بمناسبة يوبيل الماس للعلاقات الصينية النيبالية كاتماندو، 8 نوفمبر: تم إطلاق كتاب ساغارماثا واريباري (أكروس ساغارماثا) بمناسبة 60 الذكرى السنوية لاقامة العلاقات الدبلوماسية بين نيبال والصين. تم نشر الكتاب الذي نشرته الصين راديو الدولي، بكين بعد بحث ودراسة لمدة عام واحد وسط نك يحث على تقديم اقتراح تعديل الدستور كاتماندو، 8 نوفمبر: حث اجتماع الحزب البرلماني للمؤتمر النيبالي الحكومة على طرح اقتراح تعديل الدستور في المجلة من أجل حل مشكلة تاراي في أقرب وقت ممكن. وقد تم تقديم الاقتراح من قبل الحكومة التي تقودها الحكومة الوطنية في الماضي. التعديل يامبانتشاك يبدأ: كاج تهار اليوم كاتماندو، 9 نوفمبر: تيهار، ثاني أكبر مهرجان للهندوس النيبالية وعلى حد سواء يبدأ من اليوم. المعروف أيضا باسم يامبانتشاك، ويلاحظ المهرجان لمدة خمسة أيام. تيهار هو أيضا مهرجان حيث يتم احترام الترابط بين الأخ والأخت ومعترف بها من خلال بهاي تيكا. على الحصار يجب تسويتها من خلال التدابير الدبلوماسية كاليفورنيا (أمريكا)، 9 نوفمبر: قال رئيس الوزراء السابق ورئيس الكونغرس النيبالي سوشيل كويرالا أن الحصار الحالي غير المعلن من قبل الهند على نيبال هو ضد القانون الدولي، وينبغي تسويتها من خلال التدابير الدبلوماسية . وقال رئيس المجلس الوطني كويرالا هذا بينما كان يتحدث إلى الأمين العام نك سيتاولا حث الحكومات على تجنب المشاكل باثاري (مورانغ)، 10 نوفمبر: حث الأمين العام للمؤتمر النيبالي كريشنا براساد سيتاولا الحكومة على اتخاذ تدابير جدية لأن الحصار غير الرسمي من قبل الهند وضعت الشعب النيبالي في مشكلة. وفى برنامج تدريب الكوادر فى بيراتناغار مساء امس الاثنين قال السكرتير العام للمجلس ان المدارس فى الاعلى من موستانج ما زالت مغلقة حيث يبدأ الاطفال بالهجرة للهروب من البرد موستانج 15 نوفمبر: ظلت العديد من المدارس فى منطقة موستانج العليا فى المقاطعة مغلقة حيث ان اغلبية وقد بدأ الطلاب تنازلي نحو الأراضي المنخفضة للهروب من البرد الشديد في المناطق خلال فصل الشتاء. مع بداية فصل الشتاء بدءا من نوفمبر بشكل عام، وكثير من الناس في الناجين من الزلزال الجبل ضربوا بجد مع زيادة ميلامشي الباردة، 16 نوفمبر: الناس في الشمال جزء من مقاطعة سيندوبالشوك، التي تعرضت منازلها لأضرار كاملة خلال زلزال غورخا، تواجه مشاكل مع تزايد البرودة. ويخشى السكان الذين ضربهم الزلزال فى مراكز التنمية القروية الشاقة فى مقاطعات مثل هيلامبو وجونزا وبوتانج وسيلانج من انقطاع ميناء جرجى عن رسوم مواقف الحاويات فى بيرجنج فى 17 نوفمبر: تنازل ميناء بيرجونج الجاف عن رسوم مواقف الحاويات والمخازن السلع المستوردة. أعلنت محطات الهيمالايا، المشغل ميناء الجافة، للتنازل عن رسوم وقوف السيارات لمدة 40 يوما للمستوردين تفيد أن الموردين جيدة كانت غير قادرة على توريد سلعة مادهيش التحريض يجب الحصول على منفذ دستوري: زعيم بهانداري بارديباس، 19 نوفمبر: رئيس الحزب الوطني الاشتراكي الوطني وقال سارات سينغ بهانداري أن التحريض المستمر في مادهش يجب الحصول على منفذ دستوري. وقال ياداف غوشالا، 20 نوفمبر / تشرين الثاني: رئيس منتدى ماديسي لحقوق الشعوب (الجمهوري) وقائد "ماديتشي" (رئيس الجمهورية)، في حديثه إلى وسائل الإعلام في مقر إقامته في مسقط رأسه في أوراهي في منطقة ماهوتاري اليوم، اتهم الزعيم بهانداري أن التحريض على المواد ليس حركة انفصالية، وقالت الجبهة الديمقراطية الاتحادية راج كيشور ياداف ان التحريض المستمر فى منطقة تاراي ليس تقسيم الشعب. وفى حديثه للصحفيين فى جاليشور فى ماهوتارى، قال زعيم ياداف ان الجبهة لا يمكن تشكيل مقاطعات تقسم الجبال من سيتى مادس أومل جياوالي كاواسوتي (نوالباراسى)، 22 نوفمبر: قال سكرتير الحزب الشيوعى الصينى - أومل براديب جياوالى يوم الاحد انه لا يمكن ان تكون هناك مقاطعات التي شكلت تقسيم الجبال من مادس. وقال إن حزبه لا يحبذ تشكيل مقاطعات على أساس الانتماء الإثني وتقسيم الجبال، مع ذلك، فإن موستانج يرى بيع التفاح 290 مليون روبية موستانج، 23 نوفمبر: جعل المزارعين في منطقة موستانج صفقة جيدة من 290 مليون روبية من بيع التفاح هذا الموسم وقد انخفض إنتاج التفاح هذا الموسم بنسبة 7 في المائة بالمقارنة مع الماضي في موستانج تعتبر منطقة الجيب لغلة التفاح. المزارعون، ولكن جميع فدكس في موستانج الحصول على الوصول إلى مرفق الاتصالات موستانج، 24 نوفمبر: جميع فدس في منطقة موستانج من الوصول إلى مرفق الاتصالات. وهناك 16 مركزا للتنمية القروية في المقاطعة. وقال الرئيس في شركة اتصالات نيبال، موستانج، هوم بهادور بهوجل، أن جميع المناطق في المنطقة الوصول إلى مرفق الاتصالات بعد بطاقات سيم نماستي و كدما كانت دي تعتبر الحكومة تأثير على القطاع الخاص على محمل الجد: وزير المالية كاتماندو، 24 نوفمبر: الوزير للمالية بيشنو بوديل ان الحكومة جادة فيما يتعلق بالتأثير على القطاع الخاص بسبب استمرار ماده باندا خلال الأشهر الثلاثة الماضية والحصار الحدودي غير المعلن الذي فرضته الهند. تلقي اقتراحات فريق مشترك من أمر الحظر في بهارداه، روباني، راجبيراج من سابتاري من 9:00 صباحا سابتاري، 25 نوفمبر: أعلن مكتب إدارة المنطقة، سابتاري، أمر حظر في بهارداه، روباني وراجبيراج في المنطقة من الساعة 9:00 صباحا حتى الساعة 6:00 مساء، وفقا لما ذكره مشرف الشرطة بهيم براساد داكال. صدر أمر الحظر في ضوء فريق برلماني محتمل يتفقد الطريق في راسوا دونشي (راسوا)، 26 نوفمبر: استنتج فريق الدراسة والتفتيش التابع للجنة التنمية البرلمانية أن الطريق الحالي المؤدي إلى عبور الرسواقدي مع الصين كان ممكنا لتعزيز التجارة مع الجار الشمالي. قاد الفريق الذي يرأسه رئيس اللجنة رابيندرا أدهيكاري متسابق انسحاب الحصار في الموقع للتصدي للمطالب نيمبانغ إيلام، 27 نوفمبر / تشرين الثاني: قال المتحدث السابق سوباس نيمبانغ أن مطالب الأحزاب التي تركز على مادس ستعالج إذا دعت إلى فرض حصار على الحدود وتهيئة بيئة مواتية لإجراء حوار هادف. في الكوادر التي تجتمع البرنامج الذي نظمته الحزب الشيوعي النيبالي - أومل، إيلام هنا هذا الصباح، كان 27 من الكوادر الماويين الحزب الشيوعي النيبالي الذي عقد في كاسكي بوخارا، 29 نوفمبر: الحياة الطبيعية في منطقة كاسكي تتأثر اليوم بسبب الضربة التي فرضها الحزب الشيوعي النيبالي الماوي ظلت المركبات العامة على الطريق بينما أغلقت المؤسسات الأكاديمية. وبالمثل، ألقت الشرطة القبض على 27 من ضباط الحزب الشيوعي النيبالي الماوي (تشاند فصيل) هذا الصباح توجيهات سياز لوقف السوق السوداء للوقود كاتماندو، 30 نوفمبر: أصدرت لجنة التحقيق في إساءة استخدام السلطة توجيهات إلى الهيئات المعنية ل وقف السوق السوداء من الوقود. استدعت الهيئة الدستورية لمكافحة الكسب غير المشروع يوم الاحد كبار ضباط المقاطعات فى المقاطعات الثلاث فى تحالف كاتماندو فا مادسيسى الذى يعقد اجتماعا مع رئيس المجلس الوطنى كويرالا كاتماندو فى 1 ديسمبر: عقد قادة اتحاد مادسى الفيدرالي الجامع مناقشات مع رئيس المؤتمر النيبالى ورئيس الوزراء السابق الوزير سوشيل كويرالا في مقر الاقامة في ماهاراجونج في العاصمة اليوم. ولفت قادة التحالف انتباه الرئيس نك كويرالا نحو مسائل الإدماج الخاصة بهم: وصول وتمكين الناس من جميع القدرات كاتماندو، 2 ديسمبر: كما في كل عام، كما تنضم نيبال هذا العام في العالم كله في الاحتفال باليوم الدولي الرابع والعشرين للأشخاص ذوي الإعاقة (إيبد) في 3 ديسمبر، وكالمعتاد، سيتم عقد برامج مختلفة تركز على الجوانب المختلفة المتعلقة بالأشخاص ذوي الإعاقة بمناسبة ستة محرضين جرحوا في اشتباك مع المواطنين الهنود بارسا، 3 ديسمبر: أصيب ستة على الأقل من المحرضين في مختلف والاشتباكات بين الناس المتظاهرين في بيرغنج وبارسا والمواطنين الهنود على الخلافات في جسر ميتري في بيرغنج الليلة الماضية والصباح اليوم. اندلعت النزاعات بعد أن اصطحب بعض شباب راكسول في الهند شاحنة محملة كمية كبيرة من الأسمدة عالقة في ميناء جاف في بيرغنج بسبب الاحتجاج بيرغنج (بارسا)، 4 ديسمبر: في الوقت الذي يواجه فيه المزارعون في جميع أنحاء البلاد نقص الأسمدة ، وقد تم عالق كمية كبيرة من نفسه في ميناء الجافة في بيرغنج، بارسا بسبب التحريض المستمر في تاراي. ووفقا لما ذكره راجيندرا باهادور كاركى رئيس المكتب الاقليمى فى سارجتارى ومقره بيرجونجى يوم 4 ديسمبر: تم رفع حظر التجول المفروض فى مقر مقاطعة سابتاريس راجبيراج وبهاراداها وروبانى فى المقاطعة عقب مقتل ثلاثة اشخاص فى اطلاق النار فى الشرطة يوم 22 نوفمبر. وقال رئيس ادارة المنطقة نارايان براساد بهاتا انه تم رفع حظر التجوال بعد ان اكد وزير الصحة شراء الادوية خلال شهر شيتوان 7 ديسمبر: قال وزير الصحة والسكان رام جانام تشودرى ان الادوية ستشترى فى غضون شهر لتجنب الأزمة الحالية للمخدرات. وفى حديثه مع الصحفيين فى بهاراتبور اليوم قال ان المخزون الحالى من الادوية سيتولى بطريقة اولى ادارة بنك التنمية الاسيوى فى تقديم مساعدات قيمتها 15 مليون دولار امريكى كتماندو فى 8 ديسمبر: وافق بنك التنمية الاسيوى على تقديم 15 مليون دولار امريكى منحة من الصندوق الياباني للحد من الفقر إلى حكومة نيبال للحد من مخاطر الكوارث واستعادة سبل عيش المجتمعات المحلية المتضررة من الزلزال. و جفر هو مكالمات أومل كونكليف على ماديسي الجبهة لتصبح مسؤولة تشيتوان، 9 ديسمبر: قرار صادر عن الحزب الحاكم الحزب الوطني الكوري الوطني الخاص (أومل) الخاصة التي اختتمت في سوراها من حي تشيتوان يوم الثلاثاء، ويدعو إلى تحريض المتحدة الديمقراطي مادهيزي (أودمف) لوقف حركة الاحتجاج والقيام بدور مسؤول في حل مجلس الأمن الدولي يعتمد القرار 2250 بشأن الشباب والسلام والأمن كاتماندو، 10 ديسمبر: اعتمد مجلس الأمن التابع للأمم المتحدة القرار 2250 بشأن الشباب والسلام والأمن يوم الأربعاء. ويحدد القرار واجب الحكومات في حماية الشباب أثناء النزاعات وفي مجتمعات ما بعد النزاع، وتعزيز مشاركتهم في بناء السلام وسلامته النساء اللواتي تعرضن للضرب أكثر عرضة للاتجار بالبشر كانشانبور، 11 ديسمبر / كانون الأول: عدد النساء المتجر بهن من البعيدة زادت نقطة الدخول الغربية في منطقة كانشانبور بعد القاتل 25 أبريل الزلزال المدمر. وقالت منظمات مختلفة تعمل ضد االتجار بالبشر أن عددا أكبر من النساء يتم االتجار بهن في الغالب باسم توظيف الهند لبناء السد من خالل التعدي على األراضي غير المنجزة في كانشانبور بونارباس) كانشانبور (، 13 ديسمبر / كانون األول: تبين أن إدارة الغابات الهندية قد انتهكت مان في باراسان لبناء سد. وقام فريق بقيادة مانوهار براساد اريال رئيس المنطقة بمراقبة موقع السد يوم السبت. ووجد الفريق أن الغابات الهندية الهشة الألمانية توفر 3 مليارات روبية بالإضافة إلى منحة المساعدة كاتماندو، 14 ديسمبر: وافقت الحكومة الألمانية على تقديم مساعدات منحة كاملة من 3.46 مليار روبية للحكومة نيبال. وقدمت حكومة ألمانيا المساعدة كالتزام خاص لبرنامج الانتعاش في أعقاب الزلزال المدمر الذي وقع في 25 أبريل / نيسان. في الحكومة تعمل بصدق لإنهاء الأزمات، أومل سيكي بهاتاراي بوخارا، 15 ديسمبر: وقال الحزب الشيوعي النيبالي (أومل) يوغيش بهاتاراي أن الحكومة كانت تعمل بطريقة منهجية للمشاكل البلاد المتاعب. وقال بهاتاراي في مؤتمر صحفي نظمه هنا صباح اليوم صحيفة "تشاوتاري نيبال كاسكي"، إن الجهود المبذولة لحل التحديات التي تواجه تنويع واردات الوقود إلى نيبال كاتماندو: فقد تم توقيع مذكرة تفاهم بين نيبال منذ شهرين تقريبا وشركة النفط الوطنية (نوك)، والمؤسسة الوطنية الصينية المتحدة للنفط (بتروتشاينا) لتوريد المنتجات النفطية إلى نيبال. وكانت هذه خطوة متأخرة ولكن لا مفر منها اتخذتها البلاد لتنويع الوقود لجنة مكونة من خمسة أعضاء تشكلت للتحقيق في انفجار فرن مدخنة من الطوب إيلام، 17 ديسمبر: شكل مكتب إدارة منطقة سونزاري لجنة للتحقيق في انفجار مدخنة من جاي جاي نيبال من الطوب من إيكامبا -16، سونزاري التي تركت ثمانية عمال قتلوا العديد من المصابين. وقد شكلت الادارة فريق تحقيق مكون من خمسة اعضاء برئاسة الادارة تتفق الاحزاب السياسية الرئيسية على اجراء محادثات مع الاتحاد من خلال تأجيل اجتماع مجلس النواب كاتماندو فى 18 ديسمبر: وافقت الاحزاب السياسية الرئيسية على اجراء مناقشات مع تحريض الجبهة الديمقراطية الديمقراطية المتحدة المؤجلة بتأجيل الاجتماع الجاري للبرلمان حتى 23 ديسمبر / كانون الأول. اجتماع اليوم الذي عقد بين الكونغرس النيبالي، الحزب الشيوعي النيبالي (أومل)، أوكبن (الماوي)، راستريا براجاتانترا كاتماندو، 20 ديسمبر: أدانت مؤسسة بوشبا لال التذكارية (بلمف) فعل كوادر من التحريض الجبهة الديمقراطية ماديسي المتحدة لتنقية مباني معبد جناكي، في أعقاب الزيارة الأخيرة للرئيس بيديا ديفي بهانداري إلى الضريح. الاجتماع العام السنوي للمؤسسات التي عقدت في نك أصحاب المكاتب المتعمد بشأن النزاع على العضوية النشطة كاتماندو، 21 ديسمبر: عقد اجتماع الحزب المعارض حزب المؤتمر الوطني النيبالي الرئيسي الذي عقد هنا اليوم مداولات حول حل الخلاف بشأن توزيع عضويتها النشطة. الاجتماع الذي عقد في مقر شخصي لرئيس الطرف سوشيل كويرالا في ماهاراجونج لا حاجة لسيادة نيبال لنسأل الدول الأجنبية لكتابة الدستور أومل الأمين العام ايتاهاري (سونزاري)، 22 ديسمبر: قال الأمين العام الحزب الشيوعي النيبالي - أومل ايشور بوخاريل اليوم أن هناك ليس هناك حاجة لسيادة نيبال أن تطلب من أي دولة مجاورة أو أجنبية أن تكتب الدستور من الجمعية التأسيسية المنتخبة من الشعب. تحدث في برنامج نظمته الصحافة تشوتاري نيب الطلاب في الشارع دون امتياز أجرة كاتماندو، 23 ديسمبر: طلاب من كلية تري شاندرا في كاتماندو نظموا مظاهرة منذ مطلع هذا الصباح تطالب السيطرة على التسويق الأسود وتنفيذ امتياز على وسائل النقل العام العادلة على النحو المتفق عليه سابقا. نحن مضطرون للخروج إلى الشارع عندما المساعدين للسيارة العامة علماء تقلق التقويم المدرسي في احتجاجا تاراي المناطق قد تضل كاثماندو، 24 ديسمبر: مع معظم المدارس في مناطق تاراي ظلت مغلقة على مدى الأشهر الأربعة الماضية بسبب تاراي - حذرت السلطات المعنية من أن هناك صعوبات في الحفاظ على التقويم الأكاديمي هذا العام. ووفقا لمصدر، فإن نسبة مئوية قليلة من إعادة الاتحادية يضع البلاد في وضع معقد: دبم كك رامبور (بالبا)، 25 ديسمبر: قال نائب رئيس الوزراء ووزير تخفيف حدة الفقر، شيترا باهادور كك، أن عدم الاستقرار السياسي والوضع المعقد ظهرت في البلاد بسبب الفدرالية. في مؤتمر صحفي نظم في تانسن في بالبا اليوم، جادل دبم كك أن قرار أوكبن (M) رئيس داهال، زعيم المنتدى راي يدعو بيإم أولي، ومناقشة جداول الأعمال المعاصرة كاتماندو، 27 ديسمبر: أوكبن (الماوي) الرئيس بوشبا كمال دهال وكبار نائب رئيس مادهيسي جاناديكار المنتدى (MJF - الديمقراطية) رامشور راي اليوم دعا على حدة رئيس الوزراء كب شارما أولي في مقر الوزراء رئيس الوزراء الرسمي، بالواتار وناقش عن البلاد المعاصرة ط بيإم أولي يشيد القرار الأمريكي تقديم التنازل الجمركي للمنتجات النيبالية كاتماندو، 28 كانون الأول / ديسمبر: رحب رئيس الوزراء كب شارما أولي بالقرار الذي اتخذته حكومة الولايات المتحدة بتقديم إعفاء من الرسوم الجمركية على تصدير الملابس المصنعة في نيبال. وقال ان هذا خلال اجتماع مشترك مع وفود اتحاد غرف الاعلام النيبالية وزير يطلب نك والأطراف محورها مادس للانضمام الى الحكومة تاناهون، 29 ديسمبر: وقال وزير الإعلام والاتصالات شيردان راي أن توسيع مجلس الوزراء على حد سواء وضرورة وإجبار الساعة. وخلال اجتماع كوادر مع برنامج داماولي اليوم، حث الوزير راي المؤتمر النيبالي ومادسي مورشا على الانضمام إلى الحكومة قائلا مائة يوم من الدستور الوليد كاتماندو، 30 ديسمبر: أكمل دستور نيبال يوم الاثنين 100 يوم مضطربة من إصداره. خلال هذه الفترة منذ صدور الدستور من قبل أول رئيس جمهورية نيبال، حصلت البلاد على رئيس وزراء جديد، رئيس الدولة الجديد، نائب الرئيس الجديد، رئيس مجلس النواب الجديد سوف تواجه ضربة كبيرة إذا مطالب مادسيس إهمال: سينغ تشيتوان، 31 ديسمبر / كانون الأول: السكرتير العام للمؤتمر النيبالي براكاشمان سينغ، قال إن البلاد ستواجه مشكلة كبيرة إذا تم تجاهل المطالب الحقيقية للأحزاب السياسية التي تتخذ من مادهس. وفي حديثه في ندوة نظمت هنا اليوم بمناسبة يوم المصالحة الوطنية الأربعين، تستعد الحكومة لاجراء محادثات مع جبهة ماديسي: الوزير راي بيراتناغار، 3 يناير / كانون الثاني: قال وزير الإعلام والاتصالات شيردان راي إن الحكومة كانت كلها على استعداد لإجراء محادثات مع احتجاج الأحزاب المرتكزة على تاراي مع اقتراح ملموس. وفي حديثه إلى الإعلاميين في بيراتناغار هذا الصباح، أضاف الوزير راي أن المحادثات المقبلة مع الجمعية العامة الأولى جنون جمعية رسس الموظفين عقدت كاتماندو، 4 يناير: عقد الاجتماع العام السنوي الأول للجمعية راستريا سمشار ساميتي (رسس) جمعية الموظفين اليوم. وقال رئيس رسس كول شاندرا واغل افتتاح الجمعية العامة العادية أنه على الرغم من أن جميع الموظفين لديهم أفكار ومبادئ مختلفة، ينبغي أن يكون رسس أول تفاني أثناء العمل. وينبغي رصد الميزانية المخصصة: وزير الدولة شاهي دايليخ، 5 يناير / كانون الثاني: قال وزير الدولة للتنمية المحلية، كونتي شاهي، إن مشاريع التنمية ينبغي أن تصاغ وفقا لرغبة الشعوب. وفى مجلس البلدة الثالث لبلدية دولو قال وزير الدولة شاهي انه يجب تخصيص الميزانية وفقا لاحتياجات الشعب. انها حيث الفن والعلوم والتكنولوجيا معا لجعل الفن أكثر تفاعلا كاتماندو: مجموعة من لوحات لوحة النحاس، لعبة فيديو وضعت من قبل الأطفال، بركة السلام، سارانجي (النيبالية الموسيقية التقليدية) بدعم من أجهزة الاستشعار وفريدة من نوعها وتظهر دعا تلبية جميع الأطراف من قبل كبير راج لاما رحب الزوار لمدة عشرة أيام في مجلس الفن نيبال. ويحث الحزب الراديكالي الديموقراطي النيجيري (باراليل) الحكومة على الاحتفال بيوم التوحيد الوطني في 11 يناير / كانون الثاني (بوش 27). أصدر الحزب اليوم بيانا صحفيا وحث الحكومة على الاحتفال بيوم توحيد وطني وإعلان عطلة وطنية لوزير الدولة تحث موظفي الخدمة المدنية على العمل بجد للتغلب على الوضع الحرج بيتادي، 8 يناير / كانون الثاني: حث وزير الدولة للشؤون المالية دامودار بهانداري جميع العاملين في خدمة الدولة على المشاركة في جهودهم لكفالة البلاد من الأزمة. اعرب وزير الدولة بهانداري اليوم الخميس عن تعازيه على اجماع جميع الاطراف التي تحتاج الى انهاء الجمود: زعيم حزب المؤتمر الوطني خادكا باراسي، 10 كانون الثاني / يناير: زعيم حزب النيبالي والوزيرة السابقة بورنا باهادور خادكا : قال إن المشاكل المعقدة القائمة في البلد يمكن حلها من خلال وحدة جميع الأحزاب السياسية. وقال انه يجب انهاء المأزق السياسى الحالى على اساس التوافق بين نيبال الكبرى لاجراء مشاورات مع السعودية بشأن اتفاقية العمل السعودية، 11 يناير: ستجرى نيبال مشاورات مع المملكة العربية السعودية، العمال المهاجرين النيباليين، من أجل اتفاق العمل. وصل فريق فني مكون من ثلاثة أعضاء برئاسة وزير العمل والعمالة، رام كومار أتشاريا، إلى سابتاري السعودي، 12 يناير / كانون الثاني: واصل مكتب إدارة مقاطعة سابتاري حظر التجوال في بهاراداها، وروباني، ومنطقة الطريق السريع بين الشرق والغرب في منطقة. وقالت الشرطة ان حظر التجول سارى من الساعة 9 صباحا حتى 6 مساء فى المساء. وبالمثل، قال مدير الشرطة بهيم براساد داكال أن سو جينكس من ضمن مهلة سنة واحدة في نيبال كاتماندو. وبعد أن سقطت الأحزاب السياسية في العامين الأولين والثاني بعد عامين آخرين من أجل إصدار دستور جديد من خلال أول جمعية تأسيسية في عام 2012، ذهبت الأحزاب السياسية إلى صناديق الاقتراع لمصلحة ثانية مع تعهدها بإصدار الدستور الجديد المنال في غضون حركة المركبات على نحو سلس في الطريق السريع بين الشرق والغرب دانوشا، 14 يناير: أصبحت حركة المركبات على الطريق السريع بين الشرق والغرب على نحو سلس بعد فترة طويلة. وقبل ذلك، عرقلت حركة المركبات بسبب اضطرابات طاراي خلال الأشهر الأربعة الماضية. وكانت قوات الأمن ترافق المركبات بسبب التهديد الأمني ​​الذي يشكله المتظاهرون. T قتل اثنان عندما اندلعت حرائق بعد تسرب الغاز لب باكتابور، 17 يناير: توفي أوكتوغناريان بعد اندلاع حريق من تسرب الغاز لب في لاياكور في بلدية ماديابور ثيمي -1 الليلة الماضية. وقال نائب مدير الشرطة برابين لال شريستا من دائرة شرطة العاصمة ان كانشا ​​سيباي / 88 عاما / توفى متأثرا بجراحه. الشرطة المدرسة الابتدائية مع التاريخ المروع يحصل على تجميل جاجاركوت، 18 يناير: مدرسة ابتدائية تضررت لأول مرة في إطلاق الشرطة وبعد ذلك من الصواعق في قرية نائية في جاجاركوت تم بناؤها مؤخرا. تم بناء مبنى مدرسة غانيش الابتدائية فى قرية لابيسا فى لاها فدك-8 من زوار لاميباخا من اهالى الهند اكبر عدد من السياح فى موستانج موستانج 19 يناير: ارتفع عدد المواطنين الهنود الذين يزورون منطقة موستانج تدريجيا وفقا لسجل. يشير السجل الذي يحتفظ به مشروع منطقة أنابورنا للحفاظ على البيئة (أكاب) أن السياح الهنود جعلت أعلى عدد من السياح الأجانب الذين يزورون المقاطعة. أعلن 13 نقطة إعلان بشأن سلامة الصحفيين ومدونة قواعد السلوك النقاب عن إيتاهاري، 21 يناير: إعلان 13 نقطة بشأن سلامة الصحفيين ومدونة قواعد السلوك كنتيجة للتفاعل بشأن الموضوع. The interaction was jointly organized by Press Council Nepal and Federation of Nepali Journalists and co-organized by FNJ Sunsari Chapter. The gathe Import-export disruption costs Rs 2 billion revenue loss Birgunj, Jan 22: The disruption of import-export via Birgunj Nepals only dry port connected to Indian railway network has cost the revenue loss of over Rs 2 billion. With the standstill of import and export, the dry port customs office saw whopping deficit of revenue in the first five mont Increasing cold coupled with cold wave hits life in central and eastern Tarai Mahendranagar ( Dhanusha), Jan 24: Life in central and eastern Tarai including in Dhanusha has been affected with increasing cold coupled with cold wave for the past two days. According to the Department of Hydrology and Meteorology Janakpur, the district recorded maximum temperature of 18 degr Construction works in Theulekhola Hydel Project affected due to quakes, blockade Baglung, Jan 25: The construction works of the Theulekhola Hydropower Project have been affected after the Gorkha Earthquake and due to the ongoing fuel crisis following the Indias blockade on Nepal. The completion of the project with 1.5 megawatt capacity being developed in Baglung district National consensus government possible: UML leader Pokhrel Gaighat, Jan 26: CPN (UML) standing committee member Shankar Pokhrel has said that the government would get the shape of national consensus government if the Nepali Congress resorted back to the gentlemens agreement. Speaking at a news conference organized by the Press Chautari Udaypur chapt Even government offices do not pay electricity tariff Bhaktapur, Jan 28: The Nepal Electricity Authority (NEA) Bhaktapur branch is yet to recover approximately Rs 130.8 million in electricity tariff. This amount in due is because even the government offices in the District fail to clear their electricity tariff on time. According to the NEA B Bio-Diversity Information Centre in state of neglect Ratnanagar (Chitwan), Jan 29: The Bio-Diversity Information Centre, established at Tikauli of Ratnanagar-7 in Chitwan district, is itself without information. Although linking with east-west highway at Ratnanagar and situated near Sauraha, the third most popular tourist destination of the count HLPM holds discussions on upcoming India Visit of PM Oli Kathmandu, Jan 31: The meeting of the High Level Political Mechanism formed to coordinate the government activities held discussions about the upcoming India visit of Prime Minister KP Sharma Oli. The meeting held at Singh Durbar this morning discussed contemporary political issues along with t Cancer Hospital gets medical appliances worth Rs 232 million Chitwan, Feb 1: The government of China has donated different types of medical appliances worth Rs 232 million to the BP Koirala Memoraial Cancer Hospital. Executive Director at the Hospital, Dr Chin Bahadur Pun said that the Chinese government provided 27 different types of medical appliances No compromise against national interest: DPM Mainali Ilam, Feb 2: Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Women, Children and Social Welfare, CP Mainali, has said that the government would not compromise with anyone against nationality. Talking to the National News Agency (RSS) at Ilam this morning on his way to attend a programme at Phidim in Pan Border surveillance up for child trafficking control Baitadi, Feb 3: The District Child Welfare Committee has upped border surveillance in order to prevent child trafficking citing the checkpoints adjacent to Indian border are prone to trafficking of children. As there is high risk of child trafficking via the border points, efforts have been mad APF border out post inaugurated in Birgunj Birgunj (Parsa), Feb 4: Deputy Inspector General of Armed Police Force (APF) Ram Sharan Poudel today inaugurated APF border out post at Sugauli in Parsa. The building that spread on around 7 katthas of land and can accommodate 50 APF personnel was constructed at the total cost of around Rs 8.8 Indian citizen arrested with smuggled silver Saptari, Feb 5: A police team has arrested an Indian citizen along with smuggled silver from Kunoli chowk of Rajbiraj last night. Sumit Kumar Mehta,17, a resident of Rajnagar-3 in Madhuwani district of India was arrested during a checking carried out of suspicion, District Police Office said. M PM should consult UML leaders in govt functioning, leader Nepal says Palpa, Feb 7: CPN (UML) senior leader and former Prime Minister Madhav Kumar Nepal has accused the party Chairman and Prime Minister, KP Sharma Oli, of running the government unilaterally. At a press meet organised by the Press Chautari, Palpa chapter, here this morning, senior leader Nepal com Grant assistance to economically deprived households under MSFP Phalebas (Parbat), Feb 8: In a bid to support the livelihood of the economically deprived families, a total of Rs 10 million has been distributed in grant in Parbat district. The amount was doled out to altogether 660 households of 39 community forests in the district. It is said that Rs 15,000 Former Prime Minister Koirala no more Kathmandu, Feb 9: Nepali Congress President and former Prime Minister Sushil Koirala has passed away at 12:50 this night at his residence in Maharajgunj, Kathmandu, Nepali Congress General Secretary Prakash Man Singh said. The former Prime Minister was 76. He was suffering from pneumonia and fe NHRC writes to implement report on same sex marriage Kathmandu, Feb 11: The National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) has asked the government to implement the Supreme Courts directive and the report prepared on the same sex marriage. The NHRC has written to the government to implement the SCs verdict issued on December 21, 2007 and the report su Govt proposes to observe National Journalism Day Kathmandu, Feb 12: The government has proposed to observe National Journalism Day on May 26. The Ministry of Information and Communications has asked concerned sector and experts to hold discussions on the matter, following the proposal by the Gorakhapatra Corporation to celebrate the Day on PMs India visit will end bitterness, Nembang says Ilam, Feb 14: CPN (UML) standing committee member and deputy leader of UMLs parliamentary party Subas Nembang has said that Prime Minister KP Sharma Olis upcoming India visit would end the bitterness seen in the Nepal-India relations. At a news conference organised by Press Chautari Ilam chap Proposal for systematic and scientific counting of blue bull Chitwan, Feb 15: A proposal seeking to count blue bull systematically and scientifically has been submitted to the Department of National Parks and Wildlife Protection under the Ministry of Forests and Soil Conservation. Chitwan National Park and Parsa Wildlife Protection Office jointly propose Parliamentary committee passes condolence motion over former PM Koiralas demise Kathmandu, Feb 16: The meeting of the Social Justice and Human Rights Committee under the Legislature-Parliament today has passed the condolence motion on the demise of Nepali Congress President and former Prime Minister Sushil Koirala. The meeting chaired by the committee chair Sushil Shrestha Indian bordering market bears Rs 2 billion loss due to shutdowns in Nepal Janakpur, Feb 17: Indian businessmen at the bordering trading towns are also reportedly bearing the brunt of the prolonged protest in the Tarai districts that ended recently after almost five months. According to the businessmen, there is a loss of more than Rs 2 billion in the Indian bordering PM Olis India visit to remove misunderstanding: Minister Rai Pokhara, Feb 18: Minister for Information and Communications Sherdhan Rai has said that the Prime Minister K P Sharma Olis official visit to India would be concentrated on removing misunderstanding and normalizing straining bilateral ties. At news conference here today, Minister Rai added that PM addresses Democracy Day function, says govt commmittted to freedom, national unity Kathmandu, Feb 19: Prime Minister K P Sharma Oli has said that the government was committed to maintaining peace, democracy, social justice, equality, national integrity, sovereignty, national unity and territorial integrity. While addressing the special ceremony organised at the Tundhikhel on New Delhi, Feb 21: Prime Minister KP Sharma Oli, who is on his six-day-long state visit to India, has said that Nepal-India relations have improved as per the purpose of his visit. PM Oli informed the members of his delegation last night saying that misunderstandings surfaced in Nepal-India rel Countrys prosperity is next agenda: ANNFSU newly-elected chair Lama Kathmandu, Feb 22: The newly elected All Nepal National Free Student Union (ANNFSU) Chairperson Nabina Lama has said the student unions next agenda is to work for the nation-building and prosperity while continuing the students movement. Lama was elected the chairperson of ANNFSU by getting 8 Pokhara, Feb 24: A plane of the Tara Air flying for Jomsom of Mustang from Pokhara has remained out of contact. The Jomsom-bound plane that took off from Pokhara Airport at 7.50 this morning remained out of communication after some moments of its flight, said Administrative Officer of Civil Avi Myagdi, Feb 24: The plane that had gone out of contact some minutes later after the take-off has been found crashed near Soleghopte cliff at Dana VDC-2 in Myagdi. The plane belonging to Tara Airs that took off for Jomsom from Pokhara at 7:50 am in the morning today had gone out of contact some Tara Air Plane Crash: Dead bodies being collected Dana (Myagdi), Feb 25: The collection of dead bodies of the passengers and crew members killed in a Tara Air plane wreckage in Solighopte hill of Dana VDC-2, Myagdi on Wednesday morning has started. The teams of Nepal Police, Nepal Army and Armed Police Force that reached the wreckage site with News Headlines12 may 2015 earthquake injured person A Nepali theatre actor, Khagendra Lamichhane, performs in a play Pida Geet (song of sorrow) at Theatre Village, Lazimpat, Kathmandu, on Saturday, January 10, 2015. Today was the last day of the play. (NNHemanta Shrestha) A lady participant throws her old set of mobile phone during a Mobile Throwing Competition at Tundikhel, Kathmandu on Saturday, January 10, 2015. She actually threw a dummy of her mobile and the organizers will send the old mobile set given by her and others to remote Mugu district for use of the locals under a charity. (NNHemanta Shrestha) CPN-UML Chairperson KP Sharma Oli, flanked by senior leaders Jhalanath Khanal and Madhav Kumar Nepal, addresses a press meet at party headquarters at Balkhu, Kathmandu on Saturday, January 10, 2015. (NNHemanta Shrestha) Top Story NRNA calls to resolve ongoing situation through discussions Kathmandu, Sept. 30: The Non-Resident Nepalis Association (NRNA) has expressed concerns to the ongoing unease situation created in the country after the promulgation of the new constitution. Issuing a press statement, NRNA President Shesh Ghale has said that the NRNs are deeply saddened to lear India not favouring monarchy and obstructing border in Nepal-Indian External Minister Swaraj New York (America), Oct 1: Indian Minister for External Affairs Sushma Swaraj has made it clear that India never stands for reinstating monarchy in Nepal. In an around 45-minute-long meeting with Nepals Minster for Foreign Affairs Mahendra Bahadur Pandey on the sidelines of 70th session of the New constitution guarantees fundamental rights of citizens, DPM Singh says addressing 70th session of UNGA New York, Oct 2: Deputy Prime Minister Prakashman Singh has said that the new constitution promulgated in Nepal has guaranteed the fundamental rights of the citizens and has ambitiously broadened the rights of women, children, elderly and differently able persons as well as marginalized communities. Industrialists pay upto Rs 350m to Indian side as blockade continues Morang, Oct. 3: The industrialists in Morang have paid as high as Rs 350 million additional fees to the Indian side due to delay in cargo clearance from the Indian customs officials during the ongoing unofficial blockade from India. Senior Vice-Chairman of Morang Trade Organisation Rajendra Rau Four LPG bullets enter Nepal via Kakadbhitta point Bhadrapur, Oct. 5: Four vehicles carrying LP Gas have entered Nepal last night from the Kakadbhitta entry point, the Area Police Office Kakadbhitta said. So far, a total of 127 cargos entered Nepal on Saturday while 65 goods-laden trucks arrived on Sunday evening and 45 other vehicles including UML chair Oli will lead new govt: leader Poudel Kathmandu, Oct 6: CPN (UML) deputy general secretary Bishnu Poudel has said that the UML chair KP Sharma Oli would lead the new government on the consensus among the major political parties. Speaking in a face-to-face programme organized by Reporters Club here today, leader Poudel shared that Govt not serious to resolve problem: FSF chair Yadav Kathmandu, Oct 8: Federal Socialist Forum chairman Upendra Yadav has said that the government was not serious to resolve the present political imbroglio. Talking in a face-to-face interaction programmme here in the capital, today, the FSF chair Yadav said the problem was increasing as the gover UCPN (Maoist) to support UML to lead new govt conditionally Kathmandu, Oct 10: UCPN (Maoist) is likely to support CPN-UML to lead the new government conditionally. A standing committee meeting of the Maoists held at the party Chairman Pushpa Kamal Dahal in Lazimpat in the Capital today, urged the UML to implement the eight-point demands forwarded by t Oct 11, 2015- CPN-UML Chairman KP Sharma has been elected the 38th Prime Minister of Nepal. He secured 338 votes during the election held at the Legislature-Parliament on Sunday, while his rival Nepali Congress President Sushil Koirala secured 287 votes. A total of 587 lawmakers cast their votes CPN-UML Chair Oli elected the new PM of Nepal Kathmandu, Oct. 11: CPN-UML Chairman KP Sharma Oli has been elected the new Prime Minister of Nepal, following the promulgation of the new constitution of federal republic Nepal. In a voting for the post of the Prime Minister held at the Legislature-Parliament today, Oli won with a total of 338 Constitution implementation possible only with solid unity and collaboration Chitwan, Oct 12: District leaders of various political parties in Chitwan have underscored the need for three major parties to propel unity for the effective implementation of the newly-promulgated constitution despite polarization surfaced in a vote to elect new Prime Minister of the country. UCPN (Maoist) to finalize new names for Ministers today Kathmandu, Oct 13: UCPN (Maoist) has said that the party would decide on the names representing the party in the government as Ministers after holding discussions with Prime Minister and CPN (UML) chair KP Sharma Oli. The party office bearers meeting was held at the party chair Pushpa Kamal Da Road construction halts due to fuel crisis in Phidim Paanchthar, Oct 14: The construction of the 10 kilometres road section under the Mid-Hill Pushpalal Highway in Phidim, Paanchthar has been disrupted for a week due to the fuel crisis. The construction of the road, that started with some Rs 300 million on June 10, 2014, is carried on only two da Financial literacy through mobile message (Interactive Voice Response) a pioneering effort to transform lives of rural people Kathmandu, Oct 15: A rural Dalit woman in Nepal, who would otherwise be deprived of even basic necessities, would never imagine that a simple mobile message could change the facet of her life. However, a journey towards that end has kicked off for Sushma Sunar, hailing from Badachaur-2 of Rolpa dist NC not to file candidacy for Speaker, Deputy Speaker Kathmandu, Oct 16: The Nepali Congress has decided not to file candidacy from its side in the election to the post of Speaker and the Deputy Speaker being held today. A meeting of the partys office-bearers held at the Party president Sushil Koiralas residence in Maharajgunj this morning decid Dangi family hopeful of posthumous honour to worlds ever shortest man Kathmandu, Oct 17: When Junrey Balawing of the Philippines was in 2011 declared as the worlds shortest man, the government of Philippines announced a public holiday celebrating it as an achievement of the country and as a mark of honour to him. Nevertheless, the happiness of Philippines could Madhes agitation will end after some changes in delineation of federal states: Chair Yadav Gaushala, Oct 18: Chairman of the Federal Socialist Forum Nepal, Upendra Yadav, has said that the eight-point and 22-point agreement should be implemented before sitting for talks with the government. Addressing the ongoing sit-in of the United Democratic Madhesi Front at Bhittamod, the main bo Shortage of medicine starts to grips Dhaulagiri zone Baglung, Oct 19: Various medical centres in Dhaulgiri zone, including the government hospitals and pharmacies, have started reeling under the medicine shortage following the unannounced border blockade imposed by India on Nepal. As the import of the essential drugs has stopped following the blo HLPCC decides to hold meaningful dialogue Kathmandu, Oct 29: The High Level Political Coordination Committee (HLPCC) today has decided to hold meaningful dialogue with protesting groups and parties in the Terai. The meeting of the committee chaired by the UCPN (Maoist) chair and the committee chairman Pushpa Kamal Dahal and held at the New President Bhandari takes oath of office and secrecy Kathmandu, Oct 29: Newly elected President Bidya Devi Bhandari has taken oath of office and secrecy at the Office of the President, Sheetal Niwas, amid a special ceremony held this afternoon. Chief Justice Kalyan Shrestha administered the oath of office and secrecy to the President Bhandari. nb Independent parliamentarian Musalman registers his candidacy for vice-president Kathmandu, Oct 30: An independent parliamentarian Attahar Kamal Musalman has today filed his candidacy to the post of Vice-President. Parliamentarian Musalman registered his candidacy at Legislature-Parliament Secretariat, Office of the Election Officer at New Baneshwor at 11:15 am. He won Govt. to present itself with maximum flexibility: HLPCC Kathmandu, Nov 1: Todays meeting of the High-Level Political Coordination Committee has decided to present itself with flexibility in the talks to be held with agitating United Democratic Madhesi Front (UDMF). The UDMF has been launching agitation expressing dissatisfaction over the new consti Petro tankers from northern point coming smoothly Dhunche (Rasuwa), Oct 5: The tankers carrying petroleum products provided by China in the form of grant are continuously entering Nepal from northern border checkpoint. According to District Police Chief Abadesh Bista, four petro tankers have left for Kathmandu from Dhunche this morning and 24 Over 1000 people receive service from NAs health camp Surunga (Jhapa), Nov 6: The Nepal Armys Kali Bahadur Battalion Charali Barrack organized a free health camp at Gherabari of southern Jhapa in order to improve the relations between army and civilians. The free health camp concluded in collaboration with BampB medical college, Mechi Eye Hospi Sagarmatha Waripari launched on occasion of diamond jubilee of Sino-Nepal relations Kathmandu, Nov 8: A book Sagarmatha Waripari (Across Sagarmatha) has been launched on the occasion of the 60th anniversary of the establishment of Nepal-China diplomatic relations. The book published by China Radio International, Beijing after a year-long research and study was launched amids NC urges to forward constitution amendment proposal Kathmandu, Nov 8: The Parliamentary Party meeting of the Nepali Congress has urged the government to table the constitution amendment proposal in the parliment so as to resolve the Tarai problem as soon as possible. The proposal was forwarded by the NC-led government in the past. The amendment Yampanchak begins: Kaag Tihar today Kathmandu, Nov 9: Tihar, the second largest festival of the Nepali Hindus and alike begins from today. Also known as Yampanchak, the festival is observed for five days. Tihar is also a festival where the bonding between a brother and sister is respected and recognized through Bhai Tika. On the Blockade should be settled through diplomatic measures California (America), Nov 9: Former Prime Minister and Nepali Congress President Sushil Koirala has said that the current unannounced blockade by India on Nepal is against the international law and it should be settled through diplomatic measures. NC President Koirala said this while talking to NC general secretary Sitaula urges governments seriousness to avert problems Pathari (Morang), Nov 10: Nepali Congress general secretary Krishna Prasad Sitaula urged the government to take serious measures as the unofficial blockade by India has put Nepali people in trouble. At the cadres training programme at Biratnagar on Monday evening, NC general secretary said that Schools in Upper Mustang remain shut as children start migrating to escape cold Mustang, Nov 15: Many schools in the Upper Mustang area in the district have remained closed as majority of the students has started descending towards lower lands to escape severe cold in the areas during winter. With the onset of winter starting from November in general, many people in the mountain Quake survivors hit hard with increasing cold Melamchi, Nov 16: People in the northern part of Sindhupalchowk district, whose houses suffered complete damage during the Gorkha earthquake, are facing problems with the increasing cold. The quake-hit folks in uphill VDCs in the districts such as Helambu, Gunsa, Bhotang and Selang are worried Birgunj dry port waives parking fees of containers Birgunj, Nov. 17: The Birgunj dry port has waived the parking fees of containers and warehouses for the imported goods. Himalayan Terminals, the dry port operator, announced to waive the parking fees of 40 days for the importers stating that the good suppliers were unable to supply the commodit Madhesh agitation should get constitutional outlet: Leader Bhandari Bardibas, Nov 19: National Madesh Socialist Party Chairman Sarat Singh Bhandari has stated that the ongoing agitation in Madhesh should get constitutional outlet. Speaking to the media persons at his residence in his hometown at Aurahi in Mahottari district today, leader Bhandari accused that t Madhes agitation is not secessionist movement, Yadav says Gaushala, Nov. 20: Chairman of Madhesi Peoples Rights Forum (Republican) and leader of Federal Democratic Front Raj Kishor Yadav has said that the ongoing agitation in Tarai region is not to split the nation. Talking to journalists at Jaleshwor in Mahottari, leader Yadav said that the front wa No provinces can be formed that divide mountains from Madhes UML secy Gyawali Kawasoti (Nawalparasi), Nov 22: CPN-UML Secretary Pradip Gyawali on Sunday said that no provinces could be formed that split the mountains from Madhes. He said that his party was not in favour of forming provinces based on ethnicity and the one that divide mountains, adding, however, that they Mustang sees apple sale of Rs 290 million Mustang, Nov 23: Farmers in Mustang district have made a good transaction of Rs 290 million from the apple sale this season The apple production this season has gone down by seven per cent in comparison to the last in Mustang considered to be the pocket area for apple yields. Farmers, however All VDCs in Mustang get access to communication facility Mustang, Nov 24: All VDCs in Mustang district have access to communication facility. There are 16 VDCs in the district. Chief at the Nepal Telecom, Mustang, Hum Bahadur Bhujel, said that all the areas in the district have access to communication facility after Namaste and CDMA SIM cards were di Govt has considered impact on private sector seriously: Finance Minister Kathmandu, Nov 24: Minister for Finance, Bishnu Poudel, has said that the government is serious regarding the impact on private sector due to the continuous Madhes banda for the past three months and the unannounced border blockade imposed by India. Receiving suggestions of a joint team of the Prohibitory order in Bhardah, Rupani, Rajbiraj of Saptari from 9:00 am Saptari, Nov. 25: The District Administration Office, Saptari, has announced a prohibitory order in Bhardah, Rupani and Rajbiraj in the district from 9:00 am today until 6:00 in the evening, Superintendent of Police (SP) Bhim Prasad Dhakal said. The prohibitory order was issued in view of possi Parliamentary team inspects road in Rasuwa Dhunche (Rasuwa), Nov. 26: The Parliamentary Development Committee study and inspection team has concluded that the existing road leading to Rasuwagadhi transit with China was feasible to enhance trade with the northern neighbour. The team led by Committee Chair Rabindra Adhikari made an onsite Blockade withdrawal rider for addressing demands-Nembang Ilam, Nov 27: Former Speaker Subas Nembang has said that the demands of Madhes-centric parties would be addressed if they called for border-based blockade to enable an environment conducive for meaningful dialogue. At the cadres meet programme organized by CPN-UML, Ilam here this morning, he ca 27 CPN Maoist cadres held in Kaski Pokhara, Nov. 29: The normal life in Kaski district is affected today due to the strike imposed by the CPN Maoist as public vehicles have remained off the road while academic institutions have shut down. Likewise, police arrested 27 bandh enforcers of CPN Maoist (Chand faction) this morning fro CIAAs directive to stop black marketeering of fuel Kathmandu, Nov 30: The Commission for the Investigation of Abuse of Authority (CIAA) has issued directives to the bodies concerned to stop the black marketeering of fuel. The anti-graft constitutional body on Sunday summoned the Chief District Officers of the three districts of the Kathmandu Va Madhesi alliance holds meeting with NC President Koirala Kathmandu, Dec 1: Leaders of Federal Inclusive Madhesi Alliance have held discussions with Nepali Congress President and former Prime Minister Sushil Koirala at latters residence at Maharajgunj in the capital today. The alliance leaders drew the attention of NC President Koirala towards their Inclusion Matters: Access and Empowerment for People of All Abilities Kathmandu, Dec 2: As every year, this year also Nepal joins the whole world in commemorating the 24th International Day of Persons with Disabilities (IDPD) on December 3, and as usual, various programmes focusing on different aspects related to people with disabilities would be held to mark the occa Six agitators injured in clash with Indian nationals Parsa, Dec 3: At least six agitators were injured in different clashes between the people protesting in Birgunj, Parsa and Indian nationals over disputes at Miteri Bridge in Birgunj last night and today morning. The disputes flared up after some youths of Raxaul in India escorted a truck bearin Large amount of fertilizers stuck at dry port in Birgunj due to protest Birgunj (Parsa), Dec 4: At a time when farmers across the country are facing a lack of fertilizers, a large amount of the same has been stuck at the dry port in Birgunj, Parsa due to the ongoing agitation in the Tarai. According to Rajendra Bahadur Karki, chief of Birgunj-based regional office Saptari, Dec 4: Curfew imposed at Saptaris district headquarters Rajbiraj, Bharadaha and Rupani in the district, following killings of three persons in police firing on November 22 has been lifted today. Chief District Officer Narayan Prasad Bhatta said that the curfew was lifted, following im Health Minister assures to purchase medicines within a month Chitwan, Dec 7: Minister for Health and Population Ram Janam Chaudhary has said that the medicines would be purchased within a month to avert the current crisis of drugs. Talking to journalists in Bharatpur today, he said that the current stock of medicines would somehow manage the drugs requir ADB to provide 15 million US dollar grant assistance Kathmandu, Dec 8: The Asian Development Bank (ADB) has agreed to provide 15 million US dollars grant assistance from the Japan Fund for Poverty Reduction (JFPR) to the Government of Nepal for the Disaster Risk Reduction and Livelihood Restoration for Earthquake affected communities. The JFPR is UML conclave calls on Madhesi Front to become responsible Chitwan, Dec 9: A resolution passed by the ruling party CPN (UML)s Special National Cadres Assembly which concluded in Sauraha of Chitwan district on Tuesday, calls on the agitating United Democratic Madhesi Front (UDMF) to halt the protest movement and play a responsible role towards resolving the UNSC adopts Resolution 2250 on Youth, Peace and Security Kathmandu, Dec 10: United Nations Security Council adopted Resolution 2250 on Youth, Peace and Security on Wednesday. The resolution outlines the duty of governments to protect young people during conflict and in post-conflict societies, promote their participation in peace building and peaceke Quake-hit women more vulnerable to trafficking Kanchanpur, Dec. 11: The number of trafficked women from the far-western entry point in Kanchanpur district has increased after the deadly April 25 catastrophic earthquake. Different organisations working against human trafficking said that more women are trafficked mostly in the name of employ India built dam by encroaching no-mans land in Kanchanpur Punarbas (Kanchanpur), Dec. 13: The Indian Department of Forests is found to have encroached the no mans land in Parasan to build a dam. A team led by Chief District Officer Manohar Prasad Aryal carried out an observation of the dam site on Saturday. The team found that the Indian forest offic German provides Rs 3 billion plus grant assistance Kathmandu, Dec 14: The German government has agreed to provide a total grant assistance of Rs 3.46 billion to the government of Nepal. The government of Germany provided the assistance as a special commitment for Recovery Programme in the aftermath of devastating April 25 earthquake. At a Govt working sincerely to end crises, UML secy Bhattarai Pokhara, Dec. 15: CPN (UML) secretary Yogesh Bhattarai has said that the government was working in a systematic way to troubleshot countrys ongoing problems. At a news conference organised here by Press Chautari Nepal Kaski chapter this morning, Bhattarai said that the efforts made to resolve Challenges to diversifying fuel imports into Nepal Kathmandu: Its been almost two months that a memorandum of understanding (MoU) was signed between the Nepal Oil Corporation (NOC) and China National United Oil Corporation (PetroChina) to supply petroleum products to Nepal. This was a late but inevitable step taken by the country to diversify fuel Five-member committee formed to probe into brick kiln chimney blast Ilam, Dec 17: The Sunsari district administration office has formed a committee to investigate into the chimney blast of New Jay Nepal Brick Kiln of Ekamba-16, Sunsari that left eight workers killed many injured. The administration has formed a five-member investigation team headed by Administr Major political parties agree to hold talks with UDMF by postponing House meeting Kathmandu, Dec 18: The major political parties have agreed to hold discussions with the agitating United Democratic Madhesi Front by postponing the ongoing meeting of the Parliament till December 23. Todays meeting held among the Nepali Congress, CPN (UML), UCPN (Maoist), Rastriya Prajatantra Kathmandu, Dec 20: The Pushpa Lal Memorial Foundation (PLMF) has condemned the act of cadres of agitating United Democratic Madhesi Front to purify the premises of Janaki Temple, following recent visit of President Bidya Devi Bhandari to the shrine. Foundations annual general meeting held in NC office-bearers deliberate on dispute over active membership Kathmandu, Dec 21: The meeting of the main opposition party Nepali Congress office-bearers held here today has deliberated on resolving the dispute regarding distribution of its active membership. The meeting held at the personal residence of the Partys President Sushil Koirala at Maharajgunj No need for sovereign Nepal to ask foreign countries to write constitution UML general secretary Itahari (Sunsari), Dec 22: CPN-UML General Secretary Ishwor Pokharel today said that there was no any need for sovereign Nepal to ask any neighbouring or foreign countries to write constitution from the people-elected Constituent Assembly. Speaking at a programme organised by Press Chautari Nep Students hit street for no fare concession Kathmandu, Dec 23: Students of Tri-Chandra College in Kathmandu have staged demonstration since early this morning demanding control of black-marketing and implementation of concession on public transport fair as agreed earlier. We are forced to come out to street when helpers of public vehicle Educationists worry school calendar in protest-hit Tarai districts might go astray Kathmandu, Dec 24: With most schools in the Tarai districts remaining shut for the past four months due to the Tarai-Madhes agitations, concerned authorities have warned that there would be difficulties to maintain this years academic calendar. According to a source, a few percentage of the re Federalism puts country in complex situation: DPM KC Rampur (Palpa), Dec 25: Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Poverty Alleviation, Chitra Bahadur KC, has said that political instability and complex situation has surfaced in the country due to federalism. At a news conference organised at Tansen in Palpa today, DPM KC argued that decision of UCPN (M) Chair Dahal, Forum leader Ray call on PM Oli, discuss contemporary agendas Kathmandu, Dec 27: UCPN (Maoist) Chair Pushpa Kamal Dahal and senior Vice Chair of Madhesi Janadhikar Forum (MJF - Democratic) Rameshwor Ray today individually called on Prime Minister KP Sharma Oli at the Prime Ministers official residence, Baluwatar and discussed about the countrys contemporary i PM Oli hails US decision providing customs waiver to Nepali products Kathmandu, Dec 28: Prime Minister KP Sharma Oli has welcomed the decision taken by the US Government to provide exemption on the customs charge on the export of clothes manufactured in Nepal. He said this during a joint meeting with the delegations of the Federation of Nepalese Chambers of Comm Information Minister asks NC, Madhes-centric parties to join govt Tanahun, Dec. 29: Minister for Information and Communications Sherdhan Rai has said that cabinet expansion was both the necessity and compulsion of the hour. During a cadres meet programme in Damauli today, Minister Rai urged the Nepali Congress and Madhesi Morcha to join the government saying A hundred days of a nascent constitution Kathmandu, Dec 30: The Constitution of Nepal on Monday completed 100 tumultuous days of its promulgation. Over this period since the constitution was issued by the first President of the Republic of Nepal, the country got a new Prime Minister, a new Head of State, a new Vice-President, a new Speaker Country will face big blow if demands of Madhesis neglected: Singh Chitwan, Dec 31: Nepali Congress General Secretary Prakashman Singh, has said that the country would face great problem if the genuine demands of the Madhes-based political parties are neglected. Speaking at a seminar organised here today on the occasion of the 40th National Reconciliation Day, Govt prepares for talks with Madhesi Front: Minister Rai Biratnagar, Jan 3: Minister for Information and Communications Sherdhan Rai has said that the government was all set to hold talks with protesting Tarai-centric parties with a concrete proposal. Talking to media persons in Biratnagar this morning, Minister Rai added that the next talks with Mad First AGM of RSS Employees Association held Kathmandu, Jan 4: The first annual general meeting of the Rastriya Samachar Samiti (RSS) Employees Association held today. Inaugurating the AGM, RSS Chairman Kul Chandra Wagle said that although all employees have different thoughts and principles, RSS should be the first devotion during duty. Allocated budget should be monitored: State Minister Shahi Dailekh, Jan 5: Minister of State for Local Development, Kunti Shahi, has said that development projects should be formulated as per peoples wish. At the Third Town Council of the Dullu Municipality, State Minister Shahi said that budget should be allocated as per the peoples need. She s Where art, science and technology come together to make art more interactive Kathmandu: A collection of copper plate arts, a video game developed by children, a peace pond, a Sarangi (traditional Nepali musical instrument) supported by a sensor and an unique show called all-party meet by Kabir Raj Lama enthralled visitors for ten days at the Nepal Art Council. The very disti RPP-N (Parallel) urges govt to mark national unification day Kathmandu, Jan 7: Rastriya Prajatantra Party-Nepal (Parallel) has urged the government to mark the national unification day on January 11 (Paush 27). The party issued a press release today and urged the government to mark the day as the national unification day and announce national holiday to State Minister urges civil servants to work hard to overcome critical situation Baitadi, Jan 8: Minister of State for Finance Damodar Bhandari urged all nation-serving employees to engage their efforts to bail the country out of crisis. Garlanding the stattue of martyr Dasharath Chand reaching at his house in Baskot on Thursday, Minister of State Bhandari pledged to transf Consensus of all parties needed to end deadlock: NC leader Khadka Parasi, Jan 10: Nepali Congress leader and former minister Purna Bahadur Khadka has said that existing complex problems of the country could be resolved through the unity of all political parties. He said that ongoing political deadlock should be ended on the basis of consensus between major an Nepal to hold consultation with Saudi Arabia for Labour Agreement Saudi Arabia, Jan 11: Nepal is going to hold consultations with Saudi Arabia, one of the top labour destinations for Nepali migrant workers, for Labour Agreement. A three-member technical team headed by Secretary of the Ministry of Labour and Employment (MoLE), Ram Kumar Acharya, arrived Saudi Saptari, Jan 12: Saptari District Administration Office has continued curfew at Bharadaha, Rupani and East-West Highway area in the district. Police said that the curfew is effective from 9:00 am to 6:00 pm in the evening. Similarly, Superintendent of Police Bhim Prasad Dhakal said that cu The Jinx of a within one-year deadline in Nepal Kathmandu. After falling out in meeting the first two-year and then another two more years deadline to promulgate a new constitution through the first Constituent Assembly in 2012, the political parties went to polls for a second CA with a pledge to promulgate the elusive new constitution within o Vehicular movement smooth in East-West highway Dhanusha, Jan 14: Vehicular movement on the East-West Highway has become smooth after a long time. Before this, the movement of vehicles was obstructed due to Tarai unrest for past four months. Vehicles were being escorted by the security forces due to security threat posed by the protesters. T Two killed as fires erupt after LP gas leakage Bhaktapur, Jan 17: An octogenarian died after a fire broke out from the LP gas leakage at Layakur in Madhyapur Thimi Municipality-1 last night. Deputy Superintendent of Police (DSP) Prabin Lal Shrestha of Metropolitan Police Circle said that Kanchha Sipai, 88, died of burn injuries. Police Primary school with appalling history gets facelift Jajarkot, Jan 18: A primary school that was first damaged in the police firing and later from the lightning strike at a remote village in Jajarkot has been constructed recently. The building of Ganesh Primary School based at Labisa village in Laha VDC-8 was constructed from Lamipakha Community Indian visitors top tourists number in Mustang Mustang, Jan 19: The number of Indian nationals visiting Mustang district has gradually increased, according to a record. The record maintained by Annapurna Conservation Area Project (ACAP) states that Indian tourists made the highest number among the foreign tourists visiting the district. nbs 13-point declaration on journalist safety and code of conduct unveiled Itahari, Jan 21: A 13-point declaration on journalists safety and code of conduct was released as an outcome of an interaction on the topic. The interaction was jointly organized by Press Council Nepal and Federation of Nepali Journalists and co-organized by FNJ Sunsari Chapter. The gathe Import-export disruption costs Rs 2 billion revenue loss Birgunj, Jan 22: The disruption of import-export via Birgunj Nepals only dry port connected to Indian railway network has cost the revenue loss of over Rs 2 billion. With the standstill of import and export, the dry port customs office saw whopping deficit of revenue in the first five mont Increasing cold coupled with cold wave hits life in central and eastern Tarai Mahendranagar ( Dhanusha), Jan 24: Life in central and eastern Tarai including in Dhanusha has been affected with increasing cold coupled with cold wave for the past two days. According to the Department of Hydrology and Meteorology Janakpur, the district recorded maximum temperature of 18 degr Construction works in Theulekhola Hydel Project affected due to quakes, blockade Baglung, Jan 25: The construction works of the Theulekhola Hydropower Project have been affected after the Gorkha Earthquake and due to the ongoing fuel crisis following the Indias blockade on Nepal. The completion of the project with 1.5 megawatt capacity being developed in Baglung district National consensus government possible: UML leader Pokhrel Gaighat, Jan 26: CPN (UML) standing committee member Shankar Pokhrel has said that the government would get the shape of national consensus government if the Nepali Congress resorted back to the gentlemens agreement. Speaking at a news conference organized by the Press Chautari Udaypur chapt Even government offices do not pay electricity tariff Bhaktapur, Jan 28: The Nepal Electricity Authority (NEA) Bhaktapur branch is yet to recover approximately Rs 130.8 million in electricity tariff. This amount in due is because even the government offices in the District fail to clear their electricity tariff on time. According to the NEA B Bio-Diversity Information Centre in state of neglect Ratnanagar (Chitwan), Jan 29: The Bio-Diversity Information Centre, established at Tikauli of Ratnanagar-7 in Chitwan district, is itself without information. Although linking with east-west highway at Ratnanagar and situated near Sauraha, the third most popular tourist destination of the count HLPM holds discussions on upcoming India Visit of PM Oli Kathmandu, Jan 31: The meeting of the High Level Political Mechanism formed to coordinate the government activities held discussions about the upcoming India visit of Prime Minister KP Sharma Oli. The meeting held at Singh Durbar this morning discussed contemporary political issues along with t Cancer Hospital gets medical appliances worth Rs 232 million Chitwan, Feb 1: The government of China has donated different types of medical appliances worth Rs 232 million to the BP Koirala Memoraial Cancer Hospital. Executive Director at the Hospital, Dr Chin Bahadur Pun said that the Chinese government provided 27 different types of medical appliances No compromise against national interest: DPM Mainali Ilam, Feb 2: Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Women, Children and Social Welfare, CP Mainali, has said that the government would not compromise with anyone against nationality. Talking to the National News Agency (RSS) at Ilam this morning on his way to attend a programme at Phidim in Pan Border surveillance up for child trafficking control Baitadi, Feb 3: The District Child Welfare Committee has upped border surveillance in order to prevent child trafficking citing the checkpoints adjacent to Indian border are prone to trafficking of children. As there is high risk of child trafficking via the border points, efforts have been mad APF border out post inaugurated in Birgunj Birgunj (Parsa), Feb 4: Deputy Inspector General of Armed Police Force (APF) Ram Sharan Poudel today inaugurated APF border out post at Sugauli in Parsa. The building that spread on around 7 katthas of land and can accommodate 50 APF personnel was constructed at the total cost of around Rs 8.8 Indian citizen arrested with smuggled silver Saptari, Feb 5: A police team has arrested an Indian citizen along with smuggled silver from Kunoli chowk of Rajbiraj last night. Sumit Kumar Mehta,17, a resident of Rajnagar-3 in Madhuwani district of India was arrested during a checking carried out of suspicion, District Police Office said. M PM should consult UML leaders in govt functioning, leader Nepal says Palpa, Feb 7: CPN (UML) senior leader and former Prime Minister Madhav Kumar Nepal has accused the party Chairman and Prime Minister, KP Sharma Oli, of running the government unilaterally. At a press meet organised by the Press Chautari, Palpa chapter, here this morning, senior leader Nepal com Grant assistance to economically deprived households under MSFP Phalebas (Parbat), Feb 8: In a bid to support the livelihood of the economically deprived families, a total of Rs 10 million has been distributed in grant in Parbat district. The amount was doled out to altogether 660 households of 39 community forests in the district. It is said that Rs 15,000 Former Prime Minister Koirala no more Kathmandu, Feb 9: Nepali Congress President and former Prime Minister Sushil Koirala has passed away at 12:50 this night at his residence in Maharajgunj, Kathmandu, Nepali Congress General Secretary Prakash Man Singh said. The former Prime Minister was 76. He was suffering from pneumonia and fe NHRC writes to implement report on same sex marriage Kathmandu, Feb 11: The National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) has asked the government to implement the Supreme Courts directive and the report prepared on the same sex marriage. The NHRC has written to the government to implement the SCs verdict issued on December 21, 2007 and the report su Govt proposes to observe National Journalism Day Kathmandu, Feb 12: The government has proposed to observe National Journalism Day on May 26. The Ministry of Information and Communications has asked concerned sector and experts to hold discussions on the matter, following the proposal by the Gorakhapatra Corporation to celebrate the Day on PMs India visit will end bitterness, Nembang says Ilam, Feb 14: CPN (UML) standing committee member and deputy leader of UMLs parliamentary party Subas Nembang has said that Prime Minister KP Sharma Olis upcoming India visit would end the bitterness seen in the Nepal-India relations. At a news conference organised by Press Chautari Ilam chap Proposal for systematic and scientific counting of blue bull Chitwan, Feb 15: A proposal seeking to count blue bull systematically and scientifically has been submitted to the Department of National Parks and Wildlife Protection under the Ministry of Forests and Soil Conservation. Chitwan National Park and Parsa Wildlife Protection Office jointly propose Parliamentary committee passes condolence motion over former PM Koiralas demise Kathmandu, Feb 16: The meeting of the Social Justice and Human Rights Committee under the Legislature-Parliament today has passed the condolence motion on the demise of Nepali Congress President and former Prime Minister Sushil Koirala. The meeting chaired by the committee chair Sushil Shrestha Indian bordering market bears Rs 2 billion loss due to shutdowns in Nepal Janakpur, Feb 17: Indian businessmen at the bordering trading towns are also reportedly bearing the brunt of the prolonged protest in the Tarai districts that ended recently after almost five months. According to the businessmen, there is a loss of more than Rs 2 billion in the Indian bordering PM Olis India visit to remove misunderstanding: Minister Rai Pokhara, Feb 18: Minister for Information and Communications Sherdhan Rai has said that the Prime Minister K P Sharma Olis official visit to India would be concentrated on removing misunderstanding and normalizing straining bilateral ties. At news conference here today, Minister Rai added that PM addresses Democracy Day function, says govt commmittted to freedom, national unity Kathmandu, Feb 19: Prime Minister K P Sharma Oli has said that the government was committed to maintaining peace, democracy, social justice, equality, national integrity, sovereignty, national unity and territorial integrity. While addressing the special ceremony organised at the Tundhikhel on New Delhi, Feb 21: Prime Minister KP Sharma Oli, who is on his six-day-long state visit to India, has said that Nepal-India relations have improved as per the purpose of his visit. PM Oli informed the members of his delegation last night saying that misunderstandings surfaced in Nepal-India rel Countrys prosperity is next agenda: ANNFSU newly-elected chair Lama Kathmandu, Feb 22: The newly elected All Nepal National Free Student Union (ANNFSU) Chairperson Nabina Lama has said the student unions next agenda is to work for the nation-building and prosperity while continuing the students movement. Lama was elected the chairperson of ANNFSU by getting 8 Pokhara, Feb 24: A plane of the Tara Air flying for Jomsom of Mustang from Pokhara has remained out of contact. The Jomsom-bound plane that took off from Pokhara Airport at 7.50 this morning remained out of communication after some moments of its flight, said Administrative Officer of Civil Avi Myagdi, Feb 24: The plane that had gone out of contact some minutes later after the take-off has been found crashed near Soleghopte cliff at Dana VDC-2 in Myagdi. The plane belonging to Tara Airs that took off for Jomsom from Pokhara at 7:50 am in the morning today had gone out of contact some Tara Air Plane Crash: Dead bodies being collected Dana (Myagdi), Feb 25: The collection of dead bodies of the passengers and crew members killed in a Tara Air plane wreckage in Solighopte hill of Dana VDC-2, Myagdi on Wednesday morning has started. The teams of Nepal Police, Nepal Army and Armed Police Force that reached the wreckage site with News Headlines12 may 2015 earthquake injured person A Nepali theatre actor, Khagendra Lamichhane, performs in a play Pida Geet (song of sorrow) at Theatre Village, Lazimpat, Kathmandu, on Saturday, January 10, 2015. Today was the last day of the play. (NNHemanta Shrestha) A lady participant throws her old set of mobile phone during a Mobile Throwing Competition at Tundikhel, Kathmandu on Saturday, January 10, 2015. She actually threw a dummy of her mobile and the organizers will send the old mobile set given by her and others to remote Mugu district for use of the locals under a charity. (NNHemanta Shrestha) CPN-UML Chairperson KP Sharma Oli, flanked by senior leaders Jhalanath Khanal and Madhav Kumar Nepal, addresses a press meet at party headquarters at Balkhu, Kathmandu on Saturday, January 10, 2015. (NNHemanta Shrestha) Top Story NRNA calls to resolve ongoing situation through discussions Kathmandu, Sept. 30: The Non-Resident Nepalis Association (NRNA) has expressed concerns to the ongoing unease situation created in the country after the promulgation of the new constitution. Issuing a press statement, NRNA President Shesh Ghale has said that the NRNs are deeply saddened to lear India not favouring monarchy and obstructing border in Nepal-Indian External Minister Swaraj New York (America), Oct 1: Indian Minister for External Affairs Sushma Swaraj has made it clear that India never stands for reinstating monarchy in Nepal. In an around 45-minute-long meeting with Nepals Minster for Foreign Affairs Mahendra Bahadur Pandey on the sidelines of 70th session of the New constitution guarantees fundamental rights of citizens, DPM Singh says addressing 70th session of UNGA New York, Oct 2: Deputy Prime Minister Prakashman Singh has said that the new constitution promulgated in Nepal has guaranteed the fundamental rights of the citizens and has ambitiously broadened the rights of women, children, elderly and differently able persons as well as marginalized communities. Industrialists pay upto Rs 350m to Indian side as blockade continues Morang, Oct. 3: The industrialists in Morang have paid as high as Rs 350 million additional fees to the Indian side due to delay in cargo clearance from the Indian customs officials during the ongoing unofficial blockade from India. Senior Vice-Chairman of Morang Trade Organisation Rajendra Rau Four LPG bullets enter Nepal via Kakadbhitta point Bhadrapur, Oct. 5: Four vehicles carrying LP Gas have entered Nepal last night from the Kakadbhitta entry point, the Area Police Office Kakadbhitta said. So far, a total of 127 cargos entered Nepal on Saturday while 65 goods-laden trucks arrived on Sunday evening and 45 other vehicles including UML chair Oli will lead new govt: leader Poudel Kathmandu, Oct 6: CPN (UML) deputy general secretary Bishnu Poudel has said that the UML chair KP Sharma Oli would lead the new government on the consensus among the major political parties. Speaking in a face-to-face programme organized by Reporters Club here today, leader Poudel shared that Govt not serious to resolve problem: FSF chair Yadav Kathmandu, Oct 8: Federal Socialist Forum chairman Upendra Yadav has said that the government was not serious to resolve the present political imbroglio. Talking in a face-to-face interaction programmme here in the capital, today, the FSF chair Yadav said the problem was increasing as the gover UCPN (Maoist) to support UML to lead new govt conditionally Kathmandu, Oct 10: UCPN (Maoist) is likely to support CPN-UML to lead the new government conditionally. A standing committee meeting of the Maoists held at the party Chairman Pushpa Kamal Dahal in Lazimpat in the Capital today, urged the UML to implement the eight-point demands forwarded by t Oct 11, 2015- CPN-UML Chairman KP Sharma has been elected the 38th Prime Minister of Nepal. He secured 338 votes during the election held at the Legislature-Parliament on Sunday, while his rival Nepali Congress President Sushil Koirala secured 287 votes. A total of 587 lawmakers cast their votes CPN-UML Chair Oli elected the new PM of Nepal Kathmandu, Oct. 11: CPN-UML Chairman KP Sharma Oli has been elected the new Prime Minister of Nepal, following the promulgation of the new constitution of federal republic Nepal. In a voting for the post of the Prime Minister held at the Legislature-Parliament today, Oli won with a total of 338 Constitution implementation possible only with solid unity and collaboration Chitwan, Oct 12: District leaders of various political parties in Chitwan have underscored the need for three major parties to propel unity for the effective implementation of the newly-promulgated constitution despite polarization surfaced in a vote to elect new Prime Minister of the country. UCPN (Maoist) to finalize new names for Ministers today Kathmandu, Oct 13: UCPN (Maoist) has said that the party would decide on the names representing the party in the government as Ministers after holding discussions with Prime Minister and CPN (UML) chair KP Sharma Oli. The party office bearers meeting was held at the party chair Pushpa Kamal Da Road construction halts due to fuel crisis in Phidim Paanchthar, Oct 14: The construction of the 10 kilometres road section under the Mid-Hill Pushpalal Highway in Phidim, Paanchthar has been disrupted for a week due to the fuel crisis. The construction of the road, that started with some Rs 300 million on June 10, 2014, is carried on only two da Financial literacy through mobile message (Interactive Voice Response) a pioneering effort to transform lives of rural people Kathmandu, Oct 15: A rural Dalit woman in Nepal, who would otherwise be deprived of even basic necessities, would never imagine that a simple mobile message could change the facet of her life. However, a journey towards that end has kicked off for Sushma Sunar, hailing from Badachaur-2 of Rolpa dist NC not to file candidacy for Speaker, Deputy Speaker Kathmandu, Oct 16: The Nepali Congress has decided not to file candidacy from its side in the election to the post of Speaker and the Deputy Speaker being held today. A meeting of the partys office-bearers held at the Party president Sushil Koiralas residence in Maharajgunj this morning decid Dangi family hopeful of posthumous honour to worlds ever shortest man Kathmandu, Oct 17: When Junrey Balawing of the Philippines was in 2011 declared as the worlds shortest man, the government of Philippines announced a public holiday celebrating it as an achievement of the country and as a mark of honour to him. Nevertheless, the happiness of Philippines could Madhes agitation will end after some changes in delineation of federal states: Chair Yadav Gaushala, Oct 18: Chairman of the Federal Socialist Forum Nepal, Upendra Yadav, has said that the eight-point and 22-point agreement should be implemented before sitting for talks with the government. Addressing the ongoing sit-in of the United Democratic Madhesi Front at Bhittamod, the main bo Shortage of medicine starts to grips Dhaulagiri zone Baglung, Oct 19: Various medical centres in Dhaulgiri zone, including the government hospitals and pharmacies, have started reeling under the medicine shortage following the unannounced border blockade imposed by India on Nepal. As the import of the essential drugs has stopped following the blo HLPCC decides to hold meaningful dialogue Kathmandu, Oct 29: The High Level Political Coordination Committee (HLPCC) today has decided to hold meaningful dialogue with protesting groups and parties in the Terai. The meeting of the committee chaired by the UCPN (Maoist) chair and the committee chairman Pushpa Kamal Dahal and held at the New President Bhandari takes oath of office and secrecy Kathmandu, Oct 29: Newly elected President Bidya Devi Bhandari has taken oath of office and secrecy at the Office of the President, Sheetal Niwas, amid a special ceremony held this afternoon. Chief Justice Kalyan Shrestha administered the oath of office and secrecy to the President Bhandari. nb Independent parliamentarian Musalman registers his candidacy for vice-president Kathmandu, Oct 30: An independent parliamentarian Attahar Kamal Musalman has today filed his candidacy to the post of Vice-President. Parliamentarian Musalman registered his candidacy at Legislature-Parliament Secretariat, Office of the Election Officer at New Baneshwor at 11:15 am. He won Govt. to present itself with maximum flexibility: HLPCC Kathmandu, Nov 1: Todays meeting of the High-Level Political Coordination Committee has decided to present itself with flexibility in the talks to be held with agitating United Democratic Madhesi Front (UDMF). The UDMF has been launching agitation expressing dissatisfaction over the new consti Petro tankers from northern point coming smoothly Dhunche (Rasuwa), Oct 5: The tankers carrying petroleum products provided by China in the form of grant are continuously entering Nepal from northern border checkpoint. According to District Police Chief Abadesh Bista, four petro tankers have left for Kathmandu from Dhunche this morning and 24 Over 1000 people receive service from NAs health camp Surunga (Jhapa), Nov 6: The Nepal Armys Kali Bahadur Battalion Charali Barrack organized a free health camp at Gherabari of southern Jhapa in order to improve the relations between army and civilians. The free health camp concluded in collaboration with BampB medical college, Mechi Eye Hospi Sagarmatha Waripari launched on occasion of diamond jubilee of Sino-Nepal relations Kathmandu, Nov 8: A book Sagarmatha Waripari (Across Sagarmatha) has been launched on the occasion of the 60th anniversary of the establishment of Nepal-China diplomatic relations. The book published by China Radio International, Beijing after a year-long research and study was launched amids NC urges to forward constitution amendment proposal Kathmandu, Nov 8: The Parliamentary Party meeting of the Nepali Congress has urged the government to table the constitution amendment proposal in the parliment so as to resolve the Tarai problem as soon as possible. The proposal was forwarded by the NC-led government in the past. The amendment Yampanchak begins: Kaag Tihar today Kathmandu, Nov 9: Tihar, the second largest festival of the Nepali Hindus and alike begins from today. Also known as Yampanchak, the festival is observed for five days. Tihar is also a festival where the bonding between a brother and sister is respected and recognized through Bhai Tika. On the Blockade should be settled through diplomatic measures California (America), Nov 9: Former Prime Minister and Nepali Congress President Sushil Koirala has said that the current unannounced blockade by India on Nepal is against the international law and it should be settled through diplomatic measures. NC President Koirala said this while talking to NC general secretary Sitaula urges governments seriousness to avert problems Pathari (Morang), Nov 10: Nepali Congress general secretary Krishna Prasad Sitaula urged the government to take serious measures as the unofficial blockade by India has put Nepali people in trouble. At the cadres training programme at Biratnagar on Monday evening, NC general secretary said that Schools in Upper Mustang remain shut as children start migrating to escape cold Mustang, Nov 15: Many schools in the Upper Mustang area in the district have remained closed as majority of the students has started descending towards lower lands to escape severe cold in the areas during winter. With the onset of winter starting from November in general, many people in the mountain Quake survivors hit hard with increasing cold Melamchi, Nov 16: People in the northern part of Sindhupalchowk district, whose houses suffered complete damage during the Gorkha earthquake, are facing problems with the increasing cold. The quake-hit folks in uphill VDCs in the districts such as Helambu, Gunsa, Bhotang and Selang are worried Birgunj dry port waives parking fees of containers Birgunj, Nov. 17: The Birgunj dry port has waived the parking fees of containers and warehouses for the imported goods. Himalayan Terminals, the dry port operator, announced to waive the parking fees of 40 days for the importers stating that the good suppliers were unable to supply the commodit Madhesh agitation should get constitutional outlet: Leader Bhandari Bardibas, Nov 19: National Madesh Socialist Party Chairman Sarat Singh Bhandari has stated that the ongoing agitation in Madhesh should get constitutional outlet. Speaking to the media persons at his residence in his hometown at Aurahi in Mahottari district today, leader Bhandari accused that t Madhes agitation is not secessionist movement, Yadav says Gaushala, Nov. 20: Chairman of Madhesi Peoples Rights Forum (Republican) and leader of Federal Democratic Front Raj Kishor Yadav has said that the ongoing agitation in Tarai region is not to split the nation. Talking to journalists at Jaleshwor in Mahottari, leader Yadav said that the front wa No provinces can be formed that divide mountains from Madhes UML secy Gyawali Kawasoti (Nawalparasi), Nov 22: CPN-UML Secretary Pradip Gyawali on Sunday said that no provinces could be formed that split the mountains from Madhes. He said that his party was not in favour of forming provinces based on ethnicity and the one that divide mountains, adding, however, that they Mustang sees apple sale of Rs 290 million Mustang, Nov 23: Farmers in Mustang district have made a good transaction of Rs 290 million from the apple sale this season The apple production this season has gone down by seven per cent in comparison to the last in Mustang considered to be the pocket area for apple yields. Farmers, however All VDCs in Mustang get access to communication facility Mustang, Nov 24: All VDCs in Mustang district have access to communication facility. There are 16 VDCs in the district. Chief at the Nepal Telecom, Mustang, Hum Bahadur Bhujel, said that all the areas in the district have access to communication facility after Namaste and CDMA SIM cards were di Govt has considered impact on private sector seriously: Finance Minister Kathmandu, Nov 24: Minister for Finance, Bishnu Poudel, has said that the government is serious regarding the impact on private sector due to the continuous Madhes banda for the past three months and the unannounced border blockade imposed by India. Receiving suggestions of a joint team of the Prohibitory order in Bhardah, Rupani, Rajbiraj of Saptari from 9:00 am Saptari, Nov. 25: The District Administration Office, Saptari, has announced a prohibitory order in Bhardah, Rupani and Rajbiraj in the district from 9:00 am today until 6:00 in the evening, Superintendent of Police (SP) Bhim Prasad Dhakal said. The prohibitory order was issued in view of possi Parliamentary team inspects road in Rasuwa Dhunche (Rasuwa), Nov. 26: The Parliamentary Development Committee study and inspection team has concluded that the existing road leading to Rasuwagadhi transit with China was feasible to enhance trade with the northern neighbour. The team led by Committee Chair Rabindra Adhikari made an onsite Blockade withdrawal rider for addressing demands-Nembang Ilam, Nov 27: Former Speaker Subas Nembang has said that the demands of Madhes-centric parties would be addressed if they called for border-based blockade to enable an environment conducive for meaningful dialogue. At the cadres meet programme organized by CPN-UML, Ilam here this morning, he ca 27 CPN Maoist cadres held in Kaski Pokhara, Nov. 29: The normal life in Kaski district is affected today due to the strike imposed by the CPN Maoist as public vehicles have remained off the road while academic institutions have shut down. Likewise, police arrested 27 bandh enforcers of CPN Maoist (Chand faction) this morning fro CIAAs directive to stop black marketeering of fuel Kathmandu, Nov 30: The Commission for the Investigation of Abuse of Authority (CIAA) has issued directives to the bodies concerned to stop the black marketeering of fuel. The anti-graft constitutional body on Sunday summoned the Chief District Officers of the three districts of the Kathmandu Va Madhesi alliance holds meeting with NC President Koirala Kathmandu, Dec 1: Leaders of Federal Inclusive Madhesi Alliance have held discussions with Nepali Congress President and former Prime Minister Sushil Koirala at latters residence at Maharajgunj in the capital today. The alliance leaders drew the attention of NC President Koirala towards their Inclusion Matters: Access and Empowerment for People of All Abilities Kathmandu, Dec 2: As every year, this year also Nepal joins the whole world in commemorating the 24th International Day of Persons with Disabilities (IDPD) on December 3, and as usual, various programmes focusing on different aspects related to people with disabilities would be held to mark the occa Six agitators injured in clash with Indian nationals Parsa, Dec 3: At least six agitators were injured in different clashes between the people protesting in Birgunj, Parsa and Indian nationals over disputes at Miteri Bridge in Birgunj last night and today morning. The disputes flared up after some youths of Raxaul in India escorted a truck bearin Large amount of fertilizers stuck at dry port in Birgunj due to protest Birgunj (Parsa), Dec 4: At a time when farmers across the country are facing a lack of fertilizers, a large amount of the same has been stuck at the dry port in Birgunj, Parsa due to the ongoing agitation in the Tarai. According to Rajendra Bahadur Karki, chief of Birgunj-based regional office Saptari, Dec 4: Curfew imposed at Saptaris district headquarters Rajbiraj, Bharadaha and Rupani in the district, following killings of three persons in police firing on November 22 has been lifted today. Chief District Officer Narayan Prasad Bhatta said that the curfew was lifted, following im Health Minister assures to purchase medicines within a month Chitwan, Dec 7: Minister for Health and Population Ram Janam Chaudhary has said that the medicines would be purchased within a month to avert the current crisis of drugs. Talking to journalists in Bharatpur today, he said that the current stock of medicines would somehow manage the drugs requir ADB to provide 15 million US dollar grant assistance Kathmandu, Dec 8: The Asian Development Bank (ADB) has agreed to provide 15 million US dollars grant assistance from the Japan Fund for Poverty Reduction (JFPR) to the Government of Nepal for the Disaster Risk Reduction and Livelihood Restoration for Earthquake affected communities. The JFPR is UML conclave calls on Madhesi Front to become responsible Chitwan, Dec 9: A resolution passed by the ruling party CPN (UML)s Special National Cadres Assembly which concluded in Sauraha of Chitwan district on Tuesday, calls on the agitating United Democratic Madhesi Front (UDMF) to halt the protest movement and play a responsible role towards resolving the UNSC adopts Resolution 2250 on Youth, Peace and Security Kathmandu, Dec 10: United Nations Security Council adopted Resolution 2250 on Youth, Peace and Security on Wednesday. The resolution outlines the duty of governments to protect young people during conflict and in post-conflict societies, promote their participation in peace building and peaceke Quake-hit women more vulnerable to trafficking Kanchanpur, Dec. 11: The number of trafficked women from the far-western entry point in Kanchanpur district has increased after the deadly April 25 catastrophic earthquake. Different organisations working against human trafficking said that more women are trafficked mostly in the name of employ India built dam by encroaching no-mans land in Kanchanpur Punarbas (Kanchanpur), Dec. 13: The Indian Department of Forests is found to have encroached the no mans land in Parasan to build a dam. A team led by Chief District Officer Manohar Prasad Aryal carried out an observation of the dam site on Saturday. The team found that the Indian forest offic German provides Rs 3 billion plus grant assistance Kathmandu, Dec 14: The German government has agreed to provide a total grant assistance of Rs 3.46 billion to the government of Nepal. The government of Germany provided the assistance as a special commitment for Recovery Programme in the aftermath of devastating April 25 earthquake. At a Govt working sincerely to end crises, UML secy Bhattarai Pokhara, Dec. 15: CPN (UML) secretary Yogesh Bhattarai has said that the government was working in a systematic way to troubleshot countrys ongoing problems. At a news conference organised here by Press Chautari Nepal Kaski chapter this morning, Bhattarai said that the efforts made to resolve Challenges to diversifying fuel imports into Nepal Kathmandu: Its been almost two months that a memorandum of understanding (MoU) was signed between the Nepal Oil Corporation (NOC) and China National United Oil Corporation (PetroChina) to supply petroleum products to Nepal. This was a late but inevitable step taken by the country to diversify fuel Five-member committee formed to probe into brick kiln chimney blast Ilam, Dec 17: The Sunsari district administration office has formed a committee to investigate into the chimney blast of New Jay Nepal Brick Kiln of Ekamba-16, Sunsari that left eight workers killed many injured. The administration has formed a five-member investigation team headed by Administr Major political parties agree to hold talks with UDMF by postponing House meeting Kathmandu, Dec 18: The major political parties have agreed to hold discussions with the agitating United Democratic Madhesi Front by postponing the ongoing meeting of the Parliament till December 23. Todays meeting held among the Nepali Congress, CPN (UML), UCPN (Maoist), Rastriya Prajatantra Kathmandu, Dec 20: The Pushpa Lal Memorial Foundation (PLMF) has condemned the act of cadres of agitating United Democratic Madhesi Front to purify the premises of Janaki Temple, following recent visit of President Bidya Devi Bhandari to the shrine. Foundations annual general meeting held in NC office-bearers deliberate on dispute over active membership Kathmandu, Dec 21: The meeting of the main opposition party Nepali Congress office-bearers held here today has deliberated on resolving the dispute regarding distribution of its active membership. The meeting held at the personal residence of the Partys President Sushil Koirala at Maharajgunj No need for sovereign Nepal to ask foreign countries to write constitution UML general secretary Itahari (Sunsari), Dec 22: CPN-UML General Secretary Ishwor Pokharel today said that there was no any need for sovereign Nepal to ask any neighbouring or foreign countries to write constitution from the people-elected Constituent Assembly. Speaking at a programme organised by Press Chautari Nep Students hit street for no fare concession Kathmandu, Dec 23: Students of Tri-Chandra College in Kathmandu have staged demonstration since early this morning demanding control of black-marketing and implementation of concession on public transport fair as agreed earlier. We are forced to come out to street when helpers of public vehicle Educationists worry school calendar in protest-hit Tarai districts might go astray Kathmandu, Dec 24: With most schools in the Tarai districts remaining shut for the past four months due to the Tarai-Madhes agitations, concerned authorities have warned that there would be difficulties to maintain this years academic calendar. According to a source, a few percentage of the re Federalism puts country in complex situation: DPM KC Rampur (Palpa), Dec 25: Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Poverty Alleviation, Chitra Bahadur KC, has said that political instability and complex situation has surfaced in the country due to federalism. At a news conference organised at Tansen in Palpa today, DPM KC argued that decision of UCPN (M) Chair Dahal, Forum leader Ray call on PM Oli, discuss contemporary agendas Kathmandu, Dec 27: UCPN (Maoist) Chair Pushpa Kamal Dahal and senior Vice Chair of Madhesi Janadhikar Forum (MJF - Democratic) Rameshwor Ray today individually called on Prime Minister KP Sharma Oli at the Prime Ministers official residence, Baluwatar and discussed about the countrys contemporary i PM Oli hails US decision providing customs waiver to Nepali products Kathmandu, Dec 28: Prime Minister KP Sharma Oli has welcomed the decision taken by the US Government to provide exemption on the customs charge on the export of clothes manufactured in Nepal. He said this during a joint meeting with the delegations of the Federation of Nepalese Chambers of Comm Information Minister asks NC, Madhes-centric parties to join govt Tanahun, Dec. 29: Minister for Information and Communications Sherdhan Rai has said that cabinet expansion was both the necessity and compulsion of the hour. During a cadres meet programme in Damauli today, Minister Rai urged the Nepali Congress and Madhesi Morcha to join the government saying A hundred days of a nascent constitution Kathmandu, Dec 30: The Constitution of Nepal on Monday completed 100 tumultuous days of its promulgation. Over this period since the constitution was issued by the first President of the Republic of Nepal, the country got a new Prime Minister, a new Head of State, a new Vice-President, a new Speaker Country will face big blow if demands of Madhesis neglected: Singh Chitwan, Dec 31: Nepali Congress General Secretary Prakashman Singh, has said that the country would face great problem if the genuine demands of the Madhes-based political parties are neglected. Speaking at a seminar organised here today on the occasion of the 40th National Reconciliation Day, Govt prepares for talks with Madhesi Front: Minister Rai Biratnagar, Jan 3: Minister for Information and Communications Sherdhan Rai has said that the government was all set to hold talks with protesting Tarai-centric parties with a concrete proposal. Talking to media persons in Biratnagar this morning, Minister Rai added that the next talks with Mad First AGM of RSS Employees Association held Kathmandu, Jan 4: The first annual general meeting of the Rastriya Samachar Samiti (RSS) Employees Association held today. Inaugurating the AGM, RSS Chairman Kul Chandra Wagle said that although all employees have different thoughts and principles, RSS should be the first devotion during duty. Allocated budget should be monitored: State Minister Shahi Dailekh, Jan 5: Minister of State for Local Development, Kunti Shahi, has said that development projects should be formulated as per peoples wish. At the Third Town Council of the Dullu Municipality, State Minister Shahi said that budget should be allocated as per the peoples need. She s Where art, science and technology come together to make art more interactive Kathmandu: A collection of copper plate arts, a video game developed by children, a peace pond, a Sarangi (traditional Nepali musical instrument) supported by a sensor and an unique show called all-party meet by Kabir Raj Lama enthralled visitors for ten days at the Nepal Art Council. The very disti RPP-N (Parallel) urges govt to mark national unification day Kathmandu, Jan 7: Rastriya Prajatantra Party-Nepal (Parallel) has urged the government to mark the national unification day on January 11 (Paush 27). The party issued a press release today and urged the government to mark the day as the national unification day and announce national holiday to State Minister urges civil servants to work hard to overcome critical situation Baitadi, Jan 8: Minister of State for Finance Damodar Bhandari urged all nation-serving employees to engage their efforts to bail the country out of crisis. Garlanding the stattue of martyr Dasharath Chand reaching at his house in Baskot on Thursday, Minister of State Bhandari pledged to transf Consensus of all parties needed to end deadlock: NC leader Khadka Parasi, Jan 10: Nepali Congress leader and former minister Purna Bahadur Khadka has said that existing complex problems of the country could be resolved through the unity of all political parties. He said that ongoing political deadlock should be ended on the basis of consensus between major an Nepal to hold consultation with Saudi Arabia for Labour Agreement Saudi Arabia, Jan 11: Nepal is going to hold consultations with Saudi Arabia, one of the top labour destinations for Nepali migrant workers, for Labour Agreement. A three-member technical team headed by Secretary of the Ministry of Labour and Employment (MoLE), Ram Kumar Acharya, arrived Saudi Saptari, Jan 12: Saptari District Administration Office has continued curfew at Bharadaha, Rupani and East-West Highway area in the district. Police said that the curfew is effective from 9:00 am to 6:00 pm in the evening. Similarly, Superintendent of Police Bhim Prasad Dhakal said that cu The Jinx of a within one-year deadline in Nepal Kathmandu. After falling out in meeting the first two-year and then another two more years deadline to promulgate a new constitution through the first Constituent Assembly in 2012, the political parties went to polls for a second CA with a pledge to promulgate the elusive new constitution within o Vehicular movement smooth in East-West highway Dhanusha, Jan 14: Vehicular movement on the East-West Highway has become smooth after a long time. Before this, the movement of vehicles was obstructed due to Tarai unrest for past four months. Vehicles were being escorted by the security forces due to security threat posed by the protesters. T Two killed as fires erupt after LP gas leakage Bhaktapur, Jan 17: An octogenarian died after a fire broke out from the LP gas leakage at Layakur in Madhyapur Thimi Municipality-1 last night. Deputy Superintendent of Police (DSP) Prabin Lal Shrestha of Metropolitan Police Circle said that Kanchha Sipai, 88, died of burn injuries. Police Primary school with appalling history gets facelift Jajarkot, Jan 18: A primary school that was first damaged in the police firing and later from the lightning strike at a remote village in Jajarkot has been constructed recently. The building of Ganesh Primary School based at Labisa village in Laha VDC-8 was constructed from Lamipakha Community Indian visitors top tourists number in Mustang Mustang, Jan 19: The number of Indian nationals visiting Mustang district has gradually increased, according to a record. The record maintained by Annapurna Conservation Area Project (ACAP) states that Indian tourists made the highest number among the foreign tourists visiting the district. nbs 13-point declaration on journalist safety and code of conduct unveiled Itahari, Jan 21: A 13-point declaration on journalists safety and code of conduct was released as an outcome of an interaction on the topic. The interaction was jointly organized by Press Council Nepal and Federation of Nepali Journalists and co-organized by FNJ Sunsari Chapter. The gathe Import-export disruption costs Rs 2 billion revenue loss Birgunj, Jan 22: The disruption of import-export via Birgunj Nepals only dry port connected to Indian railway network has cost the revenue loss of over Rs 2 billion. With the standstill of import and export, the dry port customs office saw whopping deficit of revenue in the first five mont Increasing cold coupled with cold wave hits life in central and eastern Tarai Mahendranagar ( Dhanusha), Jan 24: Life in central and eastern Tarai including in Dhanusha has been affected with increasing cold coupled with cold wave for the past two days. According to the Department of Hydrology and Meteorology Janakpur, the district recorded maximum temperature of 18 degr Construction works in Theulekhola Hydel Project affected due to quakes, blockade Baglung, Jan 25: The construction works of the Theulekhola Hydropower Project have been affected after the Gorkha Earthquake and due to the ongoing fuel crisis following the Indias blockade on Nepal. The completion of the project with 1.5 megawatt capacity being developed in Baglung district National consensus government possible: UML leader Pokhrel Gaighat, Jan 26: CPN (UML) standing committee member Shankar Pokhrel has said that the government would get the shape of national consensus government if the Nepali Congress resorted back to the gentlemens agreement. Speaking at a news conference organized by the Press Chautari Udaypur chapt Even government offices do not pay electricity tariff Bhaktapur, Jan 28: The Nepal Electricity Authority (NEA) Bhaktapur branch is yet to recover approximately Rs 130.8 million in electricity tariff. This amount in due is because even the government offices in the District fail to clear their electricity tariff on time. According to the NEA B Bio-Diversity Information Centre in state of neglect Ratnanagar (Chitwan), Jan 29: The Bio-Diversity Information Centre, established at Tikauli of Ratnanagar-7 in Chitwan district, is itself without information. Although linking with east-west highway at Ratnanagar and situated near Sauraha, the third most popular tourist destination of the count HLPM holds discussions on upcoming India Visit of PM Oli Kathmandu, Jan 31: The meeting of the High Level Political Mechanism formed to coordinate the government activities held discussions about the upcoming India visit of Prime Minister KP Sharma Oli. The meeting held at Singh Durbar this morning discussed contemporary political issues along with t Cancer Hospital gets medical appliances worth Rs 232 million Chitwan, Feb 1: The government of China has donated different types of medical appliances worth Rs 232 million to the BP Koirala Memoraial Cancer Hospital. Executive Director at the Hospital, Dr Chin Bahadur Pun said that the Chinese government provided 27 different types of medical appliances No compromise against national interest: DPM Mainali Ilam, Feb 2: Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Women, Children and Social Welfare, CP Mainali, has said that the government would not compromise with anyone against nationality. Talking to the National News Agency (RSS) at Ilam this morning on his way to attend a programme at Phidim in Pan Border surveillance up for child trafficking control Baitadi, Feb 3: The District Child Welfare Committee has upped border surveillance in order to prevent child trafficking citing the checkpoints adjacent to Indian border are prone to trafficking of children. As there is high risk of child trafficking via the border points, efforts have been mad APF border out post inaugurated in Birgunj Birgunj (Parsa), Feb 4: Deputy Inspector General of Armed Police Force (APF) Ram Sharan Poudel today inaugurated APF border out post at Sugauli in Parsa. The building that spread on around 7 katthas of land and can accommodate 50 APF personnel was constructed at the total cost of around Rs 8.8 Indian citizen arrested with smuggled silver Saptari, Feb 5: A police team has arrested an Indian citizen along with smuggled silver from Kunoli chowk of Rajbiraj last night. Sumit Kumar Mehta,17, a resident of Rajnagar-3 in Madhuwani district of India was arrested during a checking carried out of suspicion, District Police Office said. M PM should consult UML leaders in govt functioning, leader Nepal says Palpa, Feb 7: CPN (UML) senior leader and former Prime Minister Madhav Kumar Nepal has accused the party Chairman and Prime Minister, KP Sharma Oli, of running the government unilaterally. At a press meet organised by the Press Chautari, Palpa chapter, here this morning, senior leader Nepal com Grant assistance to economically deprived households under MSFP Phalebas (Parbat), Feb 8: In a bid to support the livelihood of the economically deprived families, a total of Rs 10 million has been distributed in grant in Parbat district. The amount was doled out to altogether 660 households of 39 community forests in the district. It is said that Rs 15,000 Former Prime Minister Koirala no more Kathmandu, Feb 9: Nepali Congress President and former Prime Minister Sushil Koirala has passed away at 12:50 this night at his residence in Maharajgunj, Kathmandu, Nepali Congress General Secretary Prakash Man Singh said. The former Prime Minister was 76. He was suffering from pneumonia and fe NHRC writes to implement report on same sex marriage Kathmandu, Feb 11: The National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) has asked the government to implement the Supreme Courts directive and the report prepared on the same sex marriage. The NHRC has written to the government to implement the SCs verdict issued on December 21, 2007 and the report su Govt proposes to observe National Journalism Day Kathmandu, Feb 12: The government has proposed to observe National Journalism Day on May 26. The Ministry of Information and Communications has asked concerned sector and experts to hold discussions on the matter, following the proposal by the Gorakhapatra Corporation to celebrate the Day on PMs India visit will end bitterness, Nembang says Ilam, Feb 14: CPN (UML) standing committee member and deputy leader of UMLs parliamentary party Subas Nembang has said that Prime Minister KP Sharma Olis upcoming India visit would end the bitterness seen in the Nepal-India relations. At a news conference organised by Press Chautari Ilam chap Proposal for systematic and scientific counting of blue bull Chitwan, Feb 15: A proposal seeking to count blue bull systematically and scientifically has been submitted to the Department of National Parks and Wildlife Protection under the Ministry of Forests and Soil Conservation. Chitwan National Park and Parsa Wildlife Protection Office jointly propose Parliamentary committee passes condolence motion over former PM Koiralas demise Kathmandu, Feb 16: The meeting of the Social Justice and Human Rights Committee under the Legislature-Parliament today has passed the condolence motion on the demise of Nepali Congress President and former Prime Minister Sushil Koirala. The meeting chaired by the committee chair Sushil Shrestha Indian bordering market bears Rs 2 billion loss due to shutdowns in Nepal Janakpur, Feb 17: Indian businessmen at the bordering trading towns are also reportedly bearing the brunt of the prolonged protest in the Tarai districts that ended recently after almost five months. According to the businessmen, there is a loss of more than Rs 2 billion in the Indian bordering PM Olis India visit to remove misunderstanding: Minister Rai Pokhara, Feb 18: Minister for Information and Communications Sherdhan Rai has said that the Prime Minister K P Sharma Olis official visit to India would be concentrated on removing misunderstanding and normalizing straining bilateral ties. At news conference here today, Minister Rai added that PM addresses Democracy Day function, says govt commmittted to freedom, national unity Kathmandu, Feb 19: Prime Minister K P Sharma Oli has said that the government was committed to maintaining peace, democracy, social justice, equality, national integrity, sovereignty, national unity and territorial integrity. While addressing the special ceremony organised at the Tundhikhel on New Delhi, Feb 21: Prime Minister KP Sharma Oli, who is on his six-day-long state visit to India, has said that Nepal-India relations have improved as per the purpose of his visit. PM Oli informed the members of his delegation last night saying that misunderstandings surfaced in Nepal-India rel Countrys prosperity is next agenda: ANNFSU newly-elected chair Lama Kathmandu, Feb 22: The newly elected All Nepal National Free Student Union (ANNFSU) Chairperson Nabina Lama has said the student unions next agenda is to work for the nation-building and prosperity while continuing the students movement. Lama was elected the chairperson of ANNFSU by getting 8 Pokhara, Feb 24: A plane of the Tara Air flying for Jomsom of Mustang from Pokhara has remained out of contact. The Jomsom-bound plane that took off from Pokhara Airport at 7.50 this morning remained out of communication after some moments of its flight, said Administrative Officer of Civil Avi Myagdi, Feb 24: The plane that had gone out of contact some minutes later after the take-off has been found crashed near Soleghopte cliff at Dana VDC-2 in Myagdi. The plane belonging to Tara Airs that took off for Jomsom from Pokhara at 7:50 am in the morning today had gone out of contact some Tara Air Plane Crash: Dead bodies being collected Dana (Myagdi), Feb 25: The collection of dead bodies of the passengers and crew members killed in a Tara Air plane wreckage in Solighopte hill of Dana VDC-2, Myagdi on Wednesday morning has started. The teams of Nepal Police, Nepal Army and Armed Police Force that reached the wreckage site with News Headlines

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